While Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) often has no obvious symptoms during its early phase, there are several other possible causes for these signs. Oftentimes, a person will go months or years without any noticeable symptoms until they have a routine blood test. Fortunately, it is possible to detect the condition earlier, which will lead to a better outcome. Here are the main symptoms of CML, along with the treatment options available.
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The most common chronic myelogenous leukemia symptoms are pain and weakness. However, other symptoms, such as abdominal discomfort and fever, are often mistaken for symptoms of other ailments. A person suffering from the disease should see their doctor if they experience any of these signs or feel any unusual changes in their body. The doctor will examine the spleen to make sure that it is not enlargement-related.
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A doctor may suggest further testing. A blood test can show that the patient has CML. These tests can show the level of certain types of blood cells. Getting a bone marrow biopsy can help your doctor determine whether the leukemia is affecting your bones. If the diagnosis is confirmed, your doctor will prescribe medications to treat your condition. The process of monitoring your condition will also be much easier if you have a family history of chronic myelogenous leukemia.
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The doctor may also order a scan for your blood to determine if you have CML. In some cases, the disease is unresponsive to standard treatments and may even be cured through a stem cell transplant. The treatment for CML depends on the symptoms of the disease. In some cases, patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia can receive chemotherapy or stem cell transplant to improve their quality of life.
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The symptoms of CML may vary among patients. Some patients with the disease may experience bleeding and clotting problems. Others may experience calf swelling from a blood clot. Some people with AML may also have joint or bone pain. While these symptoms can be very unpleasant, the disease is often treatable. It can also go into remission. If you are diagnosed with CML, your doctor will prescribe treatment.
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The first and most obvious sign of CML is a decreased platelet count. This symptom usually affects the white blood cells in your blood and can make infections more common and last longer. The reduced platelet count also limits the ability to heal minor injuries. Furthermore, it can prevent you from healing even minor trauma. In addition to infections, the decreased platelet count can prevent the body from clotting.
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The most common symptoms of CML are fatigue, night sweats, loss of appetite, and weight loss. These symptoms are not necessarily indicative of acute CML. More serious symptoms of the disease may include fever, abdominal pain, and night sweats. Occasionally, the symptoms may also include a reduced white blood cell count and anemia. A reduced platelet count will also increase the risk of infections, including heart attacks.
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Another symptom of CML is a large spleen. Often, the enlarged spleen causes discomfort and swelling in the upper left part of the abdomen. This symptom is indicative of a spleen tumor and should be discussed with a health care provider. It is also an indicator of anemia, which is caused by a reduction in the production of red blood cells.
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Although CML symptoms are often mild and non-specific, it is important to see a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. These symptoms are common in many cases of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, but in some cases they may be misinterpreted as other conditions. These symptoms should be evaluated by a physician to determine if the condition is indeed the most appropriate treatment for your condition.
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Most cancers undergo cancer staging, a process used to determine the extent of the tumor. Stages are defined by the size of the tumor, whether lymph nodes are involved, and how far the cancer has spread. Since CML is not a solid type of cancer, staging does not apply to CML. The stages of CML are based on the amount of blasts in the bone marrow and the overall outlook of the patient.