There are no specific symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). The main symptoms are caused by abnormal levels of blood cells. The symptoms include fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, and anemia. Low white blood cell count can cause infections, and a low platelet count can lead to bruising and bleeding. The disease can also affect the immune system, causing an elevated platelet count.
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Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia symptoms begin as a decrease in the white blood cell count. This results in frequent infections that last longer. The disease can cause serious health problems, as the reduced white blood cell count can lead to other issues. In addition, a reduced platelet count can prevent a person from healing minor trauma because platelets are responsible for forming blood clots that help heal wounds.
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Patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia often experience frequent medical appointments, blood tests, bone marrow tests, and other tests. In addition, they may feel stressed and worried about their condition. While these medical conditions are stressful, a healthy approach to dealing with chronic myelogenous leukaemia is to plan activities that relieve stress and promote good health. Your health care team will also be able to provide you with information about side effects of your medications. While some drugs may have strong side effects, they can be managed.
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Most people with chronic myelogenous leukemia do not have any obvious signs or symptoms. Most people have mild, non-life-threatening symptoms. During the first few weeks, however, they may experience fever or night sweats. If these symptoms persist, your doctor may recommend an appointment with a specialist. They will be able to diagnose the disease more accurately and quickly. If the condition persists, you will be given a prescription for drugs that will reduce the disease's severity.
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Some of the most common symptoms include an increased appetite, weight loss, and abdominal pain. As the disease progresses, it can cause other serious health problems. While the symptoms of CML are mild, they may not be the most obvious signs of the disease. In some cases, you may experience a few of these symptoms, but they are not always indicative of CML. In some cases, you may have to undergo surgery to correct the problem.
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Among the symptoms of CML are frequent medical appointments. The disease will affect your blood and bone marrow, and your doctor will be able to determine the best treatment options. Your doctor may suggest certain medications that will help you manage your symptoms. Your doctor may also prescribe a special diet and exercise routine that will help you manage your CML symptom. In some cases, the disease can be treated with chemotherapy.
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Your doctor will perform a diagnosis for you to rule out other symptoms of the disease. There may be some underlying conditions that can make you feel weak or lethargic. Fortunately, there are treatments that can help you to reduce the symptoms of CML. Your doctor can also help you to choose the best treatment option. It is important to consult your doctor if you are suffering from frequent nosebleeds.
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Another symptom of CML is anemia. It causes your body to produce fewer red blood cells, which makes you feel tired. The disease also causes the body to produce less platelet-containing blood. As a result, the disease can lead to anemia. In addition to fatigue, CML can cause joint pain. During the course of treatment, your doctor will monitor the levels of red and white blood cells.
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While there are many symptoms associated with CML, some are more common than others. For example, anemia is a symptom of decreased white blood cells. It can lead to frequent infections that last longer. It can also affect the amount of platelets in your blood. A lower platelet count can cause bleeding and lead to bruising and other physical problems. If you have frequent nosebleeds, you may also have an enlarged bone marrow.
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In the early stage of CML, about 15-30% of the blood is made up of blasts. Other symptoms include low platelet counts and bleeding. The majority of people with CML are treated with targeted drugs. This therapy is not recommended for all patients with CML. It can lead to serious complications. But the treatment is necessary. Taking it is the best way to ensure remission.