The signs and symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia are more severe as the condition worsens. The reduced white blood cell count leads to increased infections and can cause serious health problems. The patient's platelet count can also decrease, preventing healing of minor injuries. Platelets are responsible for clotting the blood and allowing the edges of a wound to adhere. This means that the patient is more likely to contract infections.
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The patient's blood is examined to detect the presence of extra blood cells. A high platelet count is one sign that the disease has spread to other tissues. Another symptom is an enlarged spleen, which can resemble an orange. While this symptom is rare, it can be frightening and lead to a visit to the doctor. A physician can determine the cause of your symptoms and recommend a course of treatment.
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The patient's blood will be checked for changes. The condition may be associated with abnormalities of the lymph nodes, spleen, or abdomen. A doctor may also check for changes in the chromosomes of the leukemia cells. A doctor can also monitor the patient's platelet count to ensure that it does not fall too low. An enlarged spleen may also lead to an enlarged spleen, which can lead to abdominal pain and swelling.
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Patients with this condition often experience fatigue, night sweats, and nausea. While most of the symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia are mild and can be mistaken for other diseases, some are quite common. For instance, an increased platelet count can result in an enlarged spleen and can cause a stroke. Furthermore, a high platelet count can cause a blood clot.
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People with chronic myelogenous leukemia often experience frequent medical appointments and bone marrow tests. Stress may be a common symptom of the disease, and it can make it difficult to focus on everyday tasks. It's important to stay healthy, and make sure you have the right type of medication and treatment. In most cases, patients will be treated with chemotherapy to reduce the risk of infection.
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The symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia include the following: an enlarged spleen. This is an unusually large organ. The spleen has a unique role in the immune system. When it becomes enlarged, it can cause discomfort in the upper left portion of the abdomen. Other common symptoms include bleeding, and pain in the left side of the body.
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Other symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia include enlarged spleen. This organ is over-active with the disease's white blood cells, which make the patient feel fatigued. In addition, the patient may have frequent nosebleeds, loss of appetite, fever, and joint pain. If the disease isn't diagnosed early, it can lead to fatal consequences.
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One of the most common symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia is anemia. This condition causes anemia because red blood cells aren't produced in sufficient amounts. When spleen tissue cells are too small, they can be damaged by inflammation. In addition, chronic myelogenous leukemia symptoms can result in anemia. This is a serious disease, and the most common signs of anemia are thrombocytopenia, anemia, and anemia.
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If you're diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia, the symptoms may be mild and easy to mistake for other ailments. Some of the most common symptoms include fatigue, night sweats, weight loss, and abdominal pain. The patient should consult a medical professional if the symptoms persist or if they are severe. Your health care team will help you determine the best course of treatment.
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During the diagnosis, a bone marrow biopsy is done to determine the stage of the disease. The bone marrow sample is used to confirm the presence of the cancer. A bone marrow biopsy is a sample of bone marrow taken from the hip bone. This is the most important test to determine the severity of the disease. It is vital to seek medical attention if you're experiencing persistent or unusual symptoms.
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Symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia may go unnoticed for months or years. The disease can respond to treatment when detected at an early stage. Listed below are some of the most common symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukaemia. The most important thing to remember is that a person with CML will not have any visible signs and symptoms during the early stages of the disease.