There are several symptoms of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. These include anemia, infection, and bleeding. The following list details these and other common effects of leukemia. Getting a proper diagnosis is the first step. If you suspect you have this disease, seek treatment immediately. There are no known cures for chronic myelogenous leukemia. However, your doctor can prescribe certain treatments to manage your symptoms.
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The symptoms of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia are generally mild. Many people mistake them for other conditions. These may include abdominal discomfort, fever, and fatigue. The signs of this cancer may be difficult to identify. If you feel fatigued or have night sweats, you should consult your doctor. Some people with chronic myelogenous leukemia will also experience weight loss or an increase in appetite.
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One of the most important symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia is an increase in white blood cells. While these cells help the body fight off infection, people with this condition have too many of these cells. These diseased cells don't have the ability to fight off infection, and they're susceptible to infections. In severe cases, these symptoms can lead to death. If you suspect you have this disease, make sure to see your doctor immediately. Your doctor will check your vital signs and perform tests to check for any abnormalities.
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Other symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia include enlarged spleen, fever, weight loss, and loss of appetite. These symptoms usually don't last for long. In some cases, patients experience a rash or other rash, but you will likely feel tired and rundown as the disease progresses. If these symptoms are not addressed immediately, they may lead to a deadly disease.
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The most common symptom of chronic myeloid leukemia is anemia. The disease reduces the number of blood cells in the body. This can cause the patient to feel fatigued, and it can also lead to anemia. The symptoms of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia are often characterized by several signs. An enlarged spleen can also cause an enlarged spleen.
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Another symptom of chronic myelogenous leukemia is anemia. As a result, the disease affects the red blood cells of the body. Therefore, anemia causes you to feel fatigue and irritable all the time. A person who suffers from anemia may experience a lack of appetite, joint pain, and night sweats. When the disease causes an enlarged spleen, the spleen is enlarged and causes a large amount of bleeding.
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A person with chronic myeloid leukemia will also experience pain in the spleen. The disease affects the spleen, which stores excess blood cells. Symptoms of this disease may include an enlarged spleen or abdominal pain. Some people with this disease will experience fever. They may also experience daytime weakness. These symptoms may be related to the level of platelets in the blood.
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The first step in diagnosing CML is to visit a doctor. A health care provider will review your medical history and perform blood and bone marrow tests to rule out other causes of the symptoms. If you are experiencing these symptoms, it's important to consult a specialist who specializes in CML and can offer the best treatment. A physician will provide you with the right treatment options.
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If you have any of these symptoms, talk with your doctor to see if you have any other problems. Your doctor will examine your vital signs and check your body's organs for any abnormalities. Your doctor will ask you questions to determine your particular symptoms and recommend the best treatment. The purpose of your consultation is to find a treatment plan that works best for you. It's important to be as specific as possible about your symptoms and your overall health. If you have any concerns, ask your health care team about this.
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A physical examination will help determine if there are any abnormalities. Your doctor may also order a bone marrow biopsy. This tissue is removed from your hip bone and sent to a pathology lab for analysis. A FISH test uses fluorescence to detect genetic material. A PCR test makes millions of copies of a DNA segment. It is helpful for more detailed assessment. The leukemia you have will begin to develop in stages. In the first phase, your immune system will produce more white blood cells.