If you suffer from chronic myelogenous leukemia, you may be wondering what the symptoms are. These are typically mild and easily mistaken for other diseases, including fever, fatigue, night sweats, and loss of appetite. However, if you are having any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor for a complete evaluation. The symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia are often life-threatening, so it's important to be evaluated for a proper diagnosis.
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The first sign of chronic myelogenous leukemia is a decreased white blood cell count. This causes frequent infections that last longer. This can be a serious health threat, as an infection with a low white blood cell count can have very serious consequences. A reduced platelet count prevents the body from healing minor injuries because platelets are needed to form clots. Additionally, a reduced platelet count can cause a stroke.
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The next symptom of chronic myelogenous leukemia is an enlarged spleen. This can cause pain in the upper left portion of the abdomen. If you have any of these symptoms, you should contact your doctor right away to seek treatment. Your doctor will likely ask you about these symptoms and will recommend treatments accordingly. As with any cancer, a treatment plan that relieves symptoms is important to your overall health.
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As the disease progresses, chronic myelogenous leukemia symptoms become increasingly more pronounced. The decreased white blood cell count means you are at a higher risk for infection, and those infections can be life-threatening. A reduced platelet count prevents you from healing even minor trauma. The platelets help the edges of wounds to bind together. In addition to infections, the condition affects the body's ability to heal from small injuries.
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The first symptom is an enlarged spleen. This can be caused by excess white blood cells in the bone marrow. An enlarged spleen may rupture. In some cases, the enlarged spleen can cause swelling of the abdomen and pain in the left side of the body beneath the ribs. An increased platelet count can lead to stroke. A high platelet count may be a sign of CML.
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The symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia range from not noticeable to not-so-common. Depending on the stage of the disease, you may experience an enlarged spleen, bone marrow, and anemia. If these symptoms are present, you should seek a specialist immediately. You should consult your doctor for a diagnosis. Most doctors are experienced in treating patients with this disease.
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Some of the most common symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia are bleeding, and anemia. The disease will also cause your spleen to enlarge, which may cause a feeling of fullness and pain in the left side of the body. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should visit your doctor immediately. A proper diagnosis is essential for preventing complications, such as fatal gastrointestinal problems.
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Symptoms of chronic myelogenous leukemia are often associated with a low platelet count. During the acute phase, the spleen will enlarge and may even rupture. The spleen will have high platelet counts and may not respond to treatment as well. The enlarged spleen is a common sign of chronic myelogenous leukaemia, so it's important to see your doctor to ensure a diagnosis.
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When diagnosed, the symptoms of chronic myeloid leukemia will vary. The disease begins in the bone marrow and spreads to the blood, causing anemia, bleeding, and infection. Some of these symptoms will be minor or nonexistent. The patient should be treated immediately, and treatment will depend on the type of chronic myeloid leukemia they have. The most common signs of this disease are:
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In the early stage, CML symptoms are very mild. The disease will not spread to other parts of the body. Most people with CML will develop anemia, which means they will be anemic. When this happens, the bone marrow will stop producing red blood cells and will become weakened. In such cases, there is a high risk of complications, such as infection, and the patient will need to undergo chemotherapy.