If you're over 50 and have a family history of colorectal cancer, you may be wondering whether there are any Colorectal Cancer Symptoms. While the symptoms of colorectal tumors may be vague or nonexistent, they can be vital for your health. Therefore, it's important to undergo regular screenings to identify this disease. Thankfully, there are some early warning signs that can help you spot the early stages of the disease.
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The symptoms of colorectal cancer depend on the stage of the disease. Lower staged conditions are characterized by small tumors that have not spread to other parts of the body. However, as cancers progress to higher stages, the survival rate drops. While most colorectal cancers are curable if detected in its early stages, a diagnosis is not a certainty until the disease has spread.
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Colorectal cancer symptoms may occur in people younger than the recommended screening age or in older people who are in between screenings. If you notice any of these symptoms, it's important to see your doctor. Your doctor will be able to identify whether you have the disease or not. They may also ask you to describe your symptoms and when they first began. During your checkup, your doctor will examine you and determine the severity of your condition.
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Colorectal cancer symptoms can begin to occur when a person has a risk of the disease. If you've had recent screenings, you may notice some of these symptoms before your doctor notices them. It's important to see your doctor if you have any of these symptoms. Your doctor will likely do a rectal exam to determine the presence of the cancer and to monitor its progress. While there's no specific test for colorectal cancer, a regular screening will help you detect the disease early.
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Although you may not have any symptoms, you should consult your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. A colonoscopy is the best way to detect colorectal cancer. There are also other ways to detect the disease by examining your bowel movements. In addition, you may have noticed a change in your bowel habits. In addition, colorectal cancer symptoms can also appear in other organs.
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One of the most important Colorectal Cancer Symptoms is rectal bleeding. While most people never have rectal bleeding, it is an important sign to have your doctor do a rectal exam. A colonoscopy involves sticking a flexible tube into the rectum. A colorectal examination will detect any signs of cancer. A low red blood cell count could also be an indication of anemia.
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If you are suffering from any of these colorectal cancer symptoms, it is important to see a doctor right away. There are some symptoms that might not be colorectal cancer but can be other conditions. Some of these symptoms could be caused by other health conditions, including an infection or an underlying disease. Your doctor will ask you about any other symptoms you've had to determine if you're suffering from this cancer.
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While colorectal cancer symptoms are rare, you should seek medical care if you notice any of these signs. While colorectal cancer symptoms can develop when you're younger than the recommended age to get screened, it's important to have an annual screening to detect it early. If you've been experiencing symptoms of colorectal cancer for a while, a doctor will be able to determine if they are associated with the disease.
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The signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer vary depending on the stage of the disease. While the symptoms are the same in both sexes, women may experience menstrual cycle irregularities and abdominal pain. Among the common Colorectal Cancer Symptoms, a physician's examination is the best way to know if you're at risk for colorectal cancer. If you experience any of these signs, you should see a doctor immediately.
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In the late stages of colorectal cancer, symptoms may be minimal or nonexistent. You may experience blood in stool, bowel bleeding, or even a low red blood cell count. Your doctor may also perform a colonoscopy to detect the cancer. While there are no colorectal cancer Symptoms in the early stage, it is important to seek medical attention for any possible problems. If you do have these symptoms, you should see your doctor immediately.