The signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer may vary from person to person and can be attributed to many factors. These include the size, location, and growth of the tumor. The disease can affect the entire body and can strike any age. However, the most common symptom of colorectal cancer is the loss of appetite. Some of these symptoms are similar to those of other conditions, such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and other GI disorders. Therefore, it's important to see your doctor if you're experiencing any of these conditions.
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Although colorectal cancer doesn't present any obvious symptoms, it's important to get screened for it. The symptoms of colorectal cancer can be similar to those of other health conditions, so it's important to see a physician if you're experiencing any of these symptoms. The three main screenings for colorectal carcinoma include a rectal exam, sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy. During a rectal exam, a doctor will examine your colon to look for signs of cancer.
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Colorectal cancer symptoms can be similar to those of other health problems. In fact, some people may not notice any of these symptoms until later stages, so it's important to get regular screenings to make sure you're not missing any early warning signs. While there are no specific signs or symptoms of colorectal cancer, you should see your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms. Your doctor will perform a rectal exam and a sigmoidoscopy, which involve putting a flexible tube into your rectum to check for any tumors or inflammation.
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If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should visit your doctor immediately. He or she will discuss your symptoms with you and determine the underlying cause. A physician will ask you about the frequency and duration of your pain. During the exam, your doctor will also take x-rays. Your doctor will use this information to determine the best course of treatment. The best treatment will depend on the stage of colorectal cancer.
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Symptoms of colorectal cancer may be hard to recognize, but they are very similar to those of other diseases. In some cases, you may experience symptoms of colorectal cancer when you're younger or between screenings. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. Your physician will perform a physical exam and a blood test to determine if you're suffering from the disease.
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While the signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer may be difficult to identify, they are similar to those of other health conditions. In some cases, you may only notice them at the later stages of the disease, while others will not experience any symptoms until the disease has spread to other organs. The signs of colorectal cancer vary depending on where the cancer has spread. If your cancer is in the liver, it may cause jaundice. In addition, the skin can also become yellow or white.
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Other colorectal cancer symptoms can be similar to those of other conditions. The most common ones are blood in the stool, abdominal pain, and weight loss. In severe cases, however, these symptoms can be more severe and require medical attention. If you have these symptoms, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor will need to conduct a thorough exam to diagnose your condition. Besides identifying the causes of colorectal cancer, you should also take note of the other signs that are associated with it.
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You may experience colorectal cancer symptoms even if you are too young for a screening. Fortunately, you can have the disease diagnosed before you feel any symptoms. Your doctor will be able to determine the exact cause of your symptoms and perform a biopsy if necessary. While colorectal cancer symptoms may be mild in the early stages, they can be a warning sign of a serious problem. So, it's important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible.
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The most common colorectal cancer symptoms include: blood in the stool, abdominal pain, changes in bowel pattern, and weight loss. These are all symptoms of colorectal cancer, but some may only appear when it has spread. In some cases, the symptoms may occur only after the tumor has spread to nearby lymph nodes. It is not uncommon for people to have recurrent cancer in the same region. It is very important to consult with a doctor as soon as you notice any of these symptoms.