Children and adolescents who develop a tumor in the head and neck can suffer from various symptoms. The first symptom of craniopharyngioma in childhood is a headache. The cause may be increased intracranial pressure or the cystic fluid pressing on the meninges. Most patients have visual complaints, including temporal hemianopsia and optic chiasm compression. About 50 to 75% of patients also have dysfunction of the optic pathway. Vision changes in a child are rare and are most commonly associated with an underlying condition called hydrocephalus. If the tumor is located in the skull, radiation therapy will be used to shrink the tumor.
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Symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood vary depending on the location and size of the tumor. They include headaches, visual changes, and endocrine and blood vessel changes. In addition to symptomatic treatment, a medical evaluation will be needed to determine whether your child is suffering from any of these conditions. Your child may also show some symptoms of hypothyroidism or an anorexia nervosa, and should be evaluated by a medical professional.
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While craniopharyngiomas have no known cause, they are thought to develop during brain development. Several factors, including the craniopharyngeal duct and Rathke's pouch, are thought to be involved in their development. Most cases of craniopharyngioma in childhood are curable, but some symptoms may occur in later life. If your child exhibits any of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor for a diagnosis.
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Different types of treatment are available for children with craniopharyngioma. Some are standard treatments while others are being tested in clinical trials. Surgical removal of the tumor is the common treatment, however this may result in the patient being overweight or developing hypothyroidism. The risk of side effects is also high. In addition to the symptoms, patients may also suffer from weight gain or fatigue.
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The most common treatment for craniopharyngioma in children is biologic therapy. This therapy uses substances created in the body or laboratory that boost the immune system. This type of treatment is called biotherapy. The drugs are placed inside the tumor using an intravenous catheter or an intravenous vein. In most cases, this medication will target the tumor cells that are responsible for the swelling in the head.
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While the causes of craniopharyngioma in childhood are unknown, they usually occur during the brain's development and are not cancerous. Most patients with a craniopharyngioma in the head will show various symptoms. In some cases, it will also affect the child's vision. If it has spread to other areas of the body, it can even be fatal.
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Other symptoms associated with craniopharyngioma in childhood include delayed puberty and a low growth rate. Delay in puberty is defined as the absence of breasts and testicles by age 14 for girls. The other symptoms of craniopharyngioma in Childhood can include a wide variety of physical and psychological complications. The doctor will discuss the options with the child and their family.
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The symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood may be difficult to identify. The most common symptoms are endocrine changes, headaches, and abnormalities in the eyes. In children, these changes can affect a child's mental and physical functions. These problems can also be caused by hormonal imbalances. For example, the thyroid hormones in the brain may be underactive or not function properly.
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During pregnancy, the tumor may be affecting the optic nerves, which carry visual information to the brain. A craniopharyngioma in childhood can cause endocrine changes, such as poor vision. Additionally, it may be growing from leftover tissue from early pregnancy. If a child has any of these symptoms, it is essential to seek a doctor's attention right away.
The symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood can include a variety of other conditions.
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Although the majority of these tumours are benign, they can still cause serious illness. When they form in the head, they can affect important areas of the brain, such as the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. When the tumor starts growing near these areas, it can obstruct these structures.