Children can develop craniopharyngioma symptoms at any age. The most common symptom is a headache. Because the tumor is in the brain, it affects the functions of the brain and can be painful. Other symptoms may include endocrine changes or visual changes. Patients with craniopharyngioma will typically have problems with their hearing and vision, and the symptoms will vary. Regardless of the underlying cause, the best course of treatment will depend on the nature of the tumor and the patient's unique circumstances.
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A majority of patients with craniopharyngiomas will present with headaches, most likely from increased intracranial pressure or meningeal irritation caused by the cystic fluid. Another significant symptom is vision disturbance. 50% to 75% of patients will experience temporal hemianopsia or optic chiasm compression. In about 50 to 75% of cases, dysfunction of the optic pathway is present. Although most children are not aware of vision changes, severe cases may include blindness, papilledema, and visual field deficits.
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The main cause of craniopharyngioma is still unknown. However, researchers believe that they develop during brain development. The pituitary gland and the Rathke's pouch are thought to play a role in the development of the brain. They often affect growth patterns and vision, as well as the functioning of the pituitary gland. Usually, craniopharyngioma symptoms are most easily diagnosed by imaging.
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Pediatric craniopharyngioma symptoms may include ataxia, short stature, and growth retardation. This last symptom is the most common endocrine abnormality associated with craniopharyngiomas. In addition to ataxia, 86% of craniopharyngiomas are also associated with growth retardation. The third endocrine abnormality associated with craniaopharyngiomas is obesity. Hypothyroidism may be a contributing factor in this disorder. It is characterized by dry, brittle hair, and bradycardia.
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Craniopharyngiomas are rare tumors of the head that usually form near the pituitary gland. Because the tumors don't spread, craniopharyngiomas can be removed with surgery or with high doses of radiation. Most people diagnosed with this condition will be cured of it. The most common symptoms of this disease include a enlarged head circumference, and increased intracranial pressure.
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In children, craniopharyngiomas are benign tumours that grow early in a child's development. They can be solid or cystic and calcified. They may also interfere with important structures near the brain. As a result, craniopharyngiomas are very dangerous to a child's life. Their symptoms include a slow growth and learning disability, as well as visual disturbances.
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While there are no clear causes of craniopharyngioma, these tumors are believed to form during brain development and are associated with increased intracranial pressure and vision disorders. Symptoms of this condition can be delayed by several years. Among the most common symptoms are a enlarged head circumference and a sudden increase in intracranial pressure. These symptoms may be indicative of an underlying tumor.
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Approximately 50% of craniopharyngioma patients experience headaches. The pain may be due to increased intracranial pressure, or it could be caused by the presence of fluid in the brain. Acute and chronic complication of the tumor may be a traumatic event that requires urgent treatment. When these symptoms occur, the child should be evaluated by a doctor immediately. The doctors will use a CT scan to determine the exact cause of the tumor.
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Other symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood are usually vague or non-specific. Those with these tumors may not experience any signs and symptoms. In some cases, they are asymptomatic. Most of them are caused by a tumor that is in the pituitary gland. The tumors can also affect the eyes. For this reason, it's best to see a doctor right away.
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As with all types of craniopharyngioma, symptoms will vary. In the case of a craniopharyngioma in childhood, patients will experience blurred or poor vision in specific areas of the visual field. In adults, patients will experience a variety of visual symptoms, including loss of smell and taste. These people should be evaluated by a physician to find out if they have these symptoms.