Patients with a craniopharyngioma usually have no visible signs or symptoms. The growth of the tumor causes pressure on the surrounding structures and can result in headaches. To alleviate the pressure and the associated symptoms, doctors often remove the tumor. A surgery to reach the brain tumor may be necessary, and doctors may reach it through the lower lip, upper lip, or even the skull. Radiation therapy can also be used to shrink the tumor after surgery.
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Children with craniopharyngiomas usually exhibit no specific symptoms. Although they are generally benign, they can compress important structures in the head, such as the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the optic chiasm (where two optic nerves cross). In rare cases, craniopharyngiomas may cause seizures or paresis. Nevertheless, most cases are curable.
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There are several symptoms that are specific to craniopharyngioma. The first is short stature, which occurs in approximately 25% of cases. In addition, there are other signs and symptoms of craniopharyngioma in children. These symptoms include seizures and decreased mental function. The disease may also affect the pituitary axis, causing short stature and other problems.
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The second symptom is the presence of a headache. Children with craniopharyngioma typically have headaches and a fever. While a craniopharyngioma is not usually life-threatening, it is always recommended to seek medical care as soon as possible. It is important to consult a doctor as soon as a child shows any symptoms. They will be able to offer you the best treatment options.
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Behavioral and cognitive problems are some of the most common symptoms. Some children with craniopharyngioma may have seizures. However, these are rare. Some patients may also have a pituitary axis evaluation after a craniopharyngioma diagnosis. A specialized pediatrician can perform a detailed evaluation and give you a better idea of how to manage the disease.
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In some cases, the craniopharyngioma is present at birth. Sometimes it grows and puts pressure on various parts of the brain. This type of tumor often affects a child's behavior and their hormones, and it can result in early or delayed puberty. Some children with craniopharyngioma may also have a tendency to develop obesity, which may be an additional symptom.
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The symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood are similar to those of other types of tumors in the body. In most cases, the tumors are harmless and will not cause any symptoms. The condition can be treated with surgery or high-dose radiation. Most people with craniopharyngioma are cured after treatment, but some may suffer from chronic or severe pain.
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Most children with craniopharyngioma in childhood will have headaches and a fever. The symptoms of this tumor may include visual changes, endocrine changes, and a lack of energy. If the tumor is present in the skull, a child will also experience vomiting and diarrhea. Moreover, the tumor can affect the pituitary gland, which can cause poor growth and reduced energy.
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The symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood may look similar to those of other conditions. During pregnancy, a child's tumor may have leftover tissue from the embryo, causing the development of a tumor in the throat. As a result, the patient may experience a headache and difficulty swallowing. A pediatrician must diagnose the craniopharyngioma in children to determine the best course of treatment.
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The symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood range from vision problems to cognitive disabilities. It is important to consult with a pediatrician to determine whether your child is suffering from these symptoms. If you suspect a child has a craniopharyngioma in Childhood, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Surgical removal of the tumor can damage adjacent tissues and may result in permanent impairment.
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Children with a craniopharyngioma should undergo an ultrasound. The scan will reveal the presence of calcium in the brain. Radiotherapy is another treatment option. During this procedure, the tumor will be swollen and may have a hard time swallowing. If you notice any of these symptoms, consult your pediatrician immediately. Afterward, a CT scan will allow the doctor to check for any underlying conditions.