Children can develop craniopharyngioma as early as five months of life, but this condition is not contagious. It can occur in children of any age, and some children may be predisposed to the condition. Treatment for craniopharyngioma is primarily based on the size and location of the tumor. Surgical removal is often the first step, but radiation therapy is another option if it's causing the tumor to re-grow.
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Symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood are usually similar to those of other diseases in childhood. Headache is the most common symptom, which is usually accompanied by a fever and a rash. In severe cases, patients may also experience vision problems, papilledema, or hearing loss. While most children with this disease have no symptoms, a physician will be able to determine if it is a craniopharyngioma.
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When craniopharyngioma in childhood affects the pituitary gland, it may cause symptoms related to hormone levels, including difficulty feeding, vision, and endocrine changes. These tumors may affect the hypothalamus, and the cerebrospinal fluid pathways. Depending on the age of the patient, craniopharyngioma in Childhood symptoms can be quite different from other brain cancers.
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Although craniopharyngioma in childhood symptoms are similar to those of other childhood diseases, there are certain symptoms specific to the disease. These symptoms include visual and endocrine changes, and a weakened or absent hypothalamus. In addition, a child with craniopharyngioma may develop an infertility or anorexia nervosa.
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While the cause of craniopharyngioma in childhood is unknown, it is thought to develop during the brain's development. The Rathke's pouch and craniopharyngeal duct may be involved. Typically, these tumors in childhood will cause some symptoms. However, they are often not dangerous in children and can be treated successfully. If detected early, the symptoms will be less severe.
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The symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood may be caused by pressure on the surrounding brain structures and may have to be relieved with surgery. The tumor can be surgically removed in its entirety. If the tumor extends into the skull, a surgeon can reach it through the bottom of the nose. Once removed, radiation therapy can shrink the tumor and relieve the symptoms. While the tumor is rarely malignant, it can affect the brain.
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The symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood are often the same as those of other childhood illnesses. A child may experience a headache and other signs of fever. If the tumor is located in the skull, the child may also have swelling in the area. Moreover, the tumor may press on nearby blood vessels and cause pressure to the brain. The pressure from the tumor can cause the symptoms.
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The symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood are usually caused by pressure on the surrounding brain. The tumor can be removed surgically. The doctor can perform this operation by cutting the skull or opening the upper lip. After the surgery, the child may be prescribed radiation therapy. This will shrink the tumor. The child will then experience the signs of Craniopharyngioma in Childhood.
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These symptoms are caused by the growth of the tumor in the cranioparietal duct. It can cause the child to have a headache, but this is not typical. Most children do not have any symptoms of Craniopharyngioma in Childhood. They do not experience any physical discomfort. Some children experience a loss of vision in one eye. It is important to seek medical attention if these symptoms appear.
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Symptoms of craniopharyngioma may include behavioral and cognitive abnormalities. Some children may experience seizures. In 10% of cases, the symptoms may include a decreased appetite and seizures. Despite their uncommon appearance, the symptoms of Craniopharyngioma in Childhood may be difficult to detect. The disease can affect a child's growth, affecting their growth and hormone levels.
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Most craniopharyngiomas are benign and do not cause symptoms in children. They will not spread and will not cause any problems. They can cause some minor physical symptoms, but they will not affect the child's life. Generally, craniopharyngiomas will not spread or affect anyone. If they do spread, they will not be malignant. If they are benign, they will not grow to their full potential and will not harm the brain.