While craniopharyngioma is not a life-threatening disease, it does require a multidisciplinary approach to treat the condition. Treatment for this rare tumor depends on the child's symptoms and health. Surgical intervention is the most common treatment for craniopharyngioma in childhood, and is often the first step in the treatment process. The surgeon may perform a procedure to remove the tumor in its entirety, or may use focused radiation therapy to treat any remaining areas.
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Although most craniopharyngiomas are benign, they can press on vital anatomical structures, such as the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. In addition, they can compress the optic chiasm, the crossing of two optic nerves. When a tumor causes these complications, vision may be impaired or even lost. In some cases, the symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood are mild to moderate and may not require medical treatment.
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If craniopharyngioma in childhood causes symptoms, it's important to see a doctor immediately. These symptoms may include headaches, which can be caused by increased intracranial pressure or by meningeal irritation. In addition to pain, craniopharyngiomas may produce other problems, including visual disturbances. The most common visual symptom is temporal hemianopsia, but 50-75% of patients may also have a disorder of the optic pathway. Though vision problems are rare, severe cases may cause papilledema, optic nerve atrophy, and visual field deficits.
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Children with craniopharyngioma often experience headaches. These headaches are due to increased intracranial pressure caused by the cystic fluid. A sixth to eighty percent of patients have visual symptoms. The most common visual symptom is temporal hemianopsia. In fifty-five percent of children, a functional impairment of the optic pathway occurs. If these symptoms occur in children, the child may require radiation therapy for a prolonged period of time.
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Other signs and symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood include a headache, visual changes, and endocrine problems. The most common symptom of craniopharyngioma is a recurring headache. If left untreated, it will usually go away on its own. But if the child continues to experience symptoms, he or she may need to undergo more tests to determine the cause of the condition.
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A pediatric craniopharyngioma is a benign tumor of the brain that develops during early development. The growth of these tumours may impact a child's vision and behavior. In children, the majority of craniopharyngiomas are not malignant, but they can cause a variety of symptoms. Nevertheless, it is important to seek medical attention if you notice any of these signs or symptoms.
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The most common symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood include headache and earaches. These symptoms are typically related to increased intracranial pressure and irritation to the pituitary gland. If the tumor is not completely removed, the patient may experience permanent damage to his or her pituitary gland. Moreover, if the tumor is not completely removed, it may reoccur.
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Most children with craniopharyngioma in childhood report visual symptoms. Aside from the pain, many patients have vision problems. They may develop cataracts or experience blurry vision. Other symptom of craniopharyngioma in children is loss of speech and the ability to hear. A few other patients will also develop visual abnormalities such as headache, vomiting, and seizures.
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A craniopharyngioma is a non-cancerous tumor that develops in the skull. It may cause a child to experience a delayed or early puberty. If untreated, it may cause seizures. A pediatrician will need to monitor these symptoms to determine if the child has a craniopharyngioma. The condition can also affect a child's vision.
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Most children with craniopharyngioma will have cognitive and behavioral abnormalities. In some cases, children may have seizures. A child's growth may be slowed or halted because of the tumor's size and location in the brain. The child's ability to see and hear can be affected if a child has a craniopharyngioma in childhood.
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In children, craniopharyngiomas are often found near the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, which are both located behind the eyes. Although craniopharyngiomas are not cancerous, they can attach to arteries and optic nerves, which can cause complications. When a pediatrician suspects a craniopharyngioma in childhood, a specialist will determine whether it needs to be removed or not.