Children with craniopharyngioma should be examined by a doctor as soon as possible. Treatment for this condition is based on the tumor's location and size. Surgery is usually the first treatment option for craniopharyngiomas. If the tumor is large, it may require surgery in order to remove it. In some cases, radiation therapy will be necessary in order to shrink the tumor. During this procedure, the child will be monitored for weight loss, fatigue, anorexia, and changes in growth patterns.
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Treatment for craniopharyngioma involves removing the tumor and any associated pressure. Surgery is the most common method of treatment. This procedure can reach the tumor through the nose, upper lip, or bottom of the skull. If the surgeon is unable to remove the entire tumor, he or she will likely perform radiation therapy in order to shrink the tumor. Once surgery is performed, the symptoms will usually subside.
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In children with craniopharyngioma, the symptoms can be similar to those for other childhood illnesses. The most common symptom is a headache, which may be a symptom of increased intracranial pressure or an irritation from the cystic fluid. In more severe cases, children will experience a visual disturbance such as a temporal hemianopsia. However, these changes are usually not noticeable to children.
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While craniopharyngioma in childhood symptoms may not be as prominent as symptoms of other diseases, they do occur often. Children usually report a headache. Most cases are benign, and there are no specific signs or symptoms. If a child does develop symptoms of craniopharyngioma, their parents can discuss treatment options with their doctor. At the end of the day, they should be able to decide what treatment to undergo.
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A child's first symptom is a headache. A patient with craniopharyngioma will typically have a headache before he or she is fully aware of the problem. Although it is not uncommon for a child to experience a temporary or partial loss of vision due to a craniopharyngioma, it is usually rare to notice a change in his or her vision.
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The symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood are similar to those of many other childhood diseases. The first symptom is usually a headache. Occasionally, the tumor can extend to other parts of the brain. It can cause hormone dysfunction and vision problems. The patient's doctor will likely suggest a course of radiation therapy after surgery. Eventually, the tumor will shrink. The symptoms of craniopharyngiomas in childhood can include a coma, vomiting, and seizures.
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Most craniopharyngiomas in children are benign. This type of brain tumor is located in the pituitary gland. Some children with craniopharyngioma may have vision problems and hormonal dysfunction. They may also experience hearing impairments. While most craniopharyngiomas are harmless, some may be extremely large or have calcium deposits. In rare cases, a child may experience hearing loss and seizures.
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The most common symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood are vision and hearing loss. Surgical treatment is an essential component in treating the symptoms and ensuring the patient's safety. It is important to understand the symptoms of craniopharyngiom in childhood. You may also notice a lump that looks like a cauliflower. In most cases, the tumor is benign and will not spread, although there have been some cases of malignancy.
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While most craniopharyngiomas are benign, some can be quite dangerous. The swelling in the head may compress an important anatomical structure, such as the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. This can result in seizures and behavioural disorders. If this is the case, surgery should be the first option. A biopsy will confirm the diagnosis and determine if the tumor has spread.
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Symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood will vary. The most common is short stature. If it has spread to the eye or neck, it can affect the child's ability to see. Surgical removal of the tumor is the next option. Some children may be cured or left with no symptoms. A craniopharyngioma in the head can be removed surgically. In some cases, it may be left behind.