If your child develops a tumor in the head or neck, he or she could be suffering from a craniopharyngioma. This benign tumor develops from the growth of blood vessels in the foetal development. Depending on the location and size of the tumour, craniopharyngiomas can be solid, cystic, calcified, or filled with debris. In both cases, they can interfere with important structures located near the tumor. Most children will be diagnosed with a craniopharyngiomal tumour during their childhood, but they can also occur in adults. The treatment for a craniopharyngiom is usually surgical.
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There is no known cause of craniopharyngioma in children. However, scientists speculate that this tumor develops during brain development, when the growth hormones are released from the brain's pituitary glands. The condition tends to manifest itself during childhood, and its symptoms are highly dependent on its size and location. Your doctor will ask you about your child's symptoms, and chart their height and weight. He or she will also take a detailed history of their development and check for changes in growth patterns.
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In some cases, children will develop symptoms of craniopharyngioma in Childhood even before a diagnosis is made. In some cases, the tumor can compress the optic nerves, hypothalamus, and pituitary stalk. Moreover, it can also obstruct the pathways of cerebral spinal fluid, resulting in hydrocephalus. Other symptoms include enlarged head circumference, blurred vision, and headache.
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There are various signs and symptoms associated with craniopharyngioma in childhood. Some of these signs include: ataxia, visual changes, and endocrine problems. Other craniopharyngioma in Childhood may cause sleep disturbances. If your child is experiencing any of these symptoms, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible. You will be closely monitored for signs and treatments.
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Because craniopharyngiomas are rare, they can present symptoms that may be similar to the symptoms of other conditions. Your doctor will be able to determine if your child is experiencing any of these symptoms. If they are, he will likely recommend an appropriate treatment. If these symptoms are present, you should consult a pediatrician right away. If they are, he will recommend a biopsy.
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These symptoms can occur years before a doctor can diagnose a craniopharyngioma. These tumors can obstruct the drainage of cerebral spinal fluid. In addition, the swelling can increase the size of the head. During the first few weeks after the diagnosis, the pediatrician will recommend radiation therapy to the child. Further tests may be necessary, depending on the type of craniopharyngioma and the severity of the disease.
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While there is no known cause of craniopharyngiomas, they usually occur during childhood. The symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood are dependent on the location and size of the tumor. A doctor will discuss the symptoms with you and your child. He may also want to chart your child's height and weight. If your child is displaying any of these symptoms, you'll need to see a pediatrician to confirm the diagnosis.
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The symptoms of craniopharyngioma in children are varied, but usually occur in young children. These can be related to hormonal changes in the head and neck, or to pressure from the tumor pressing on the blood vessels and nerves in the brain. Regardless of the cause, the symptoms of craniopharyngiom in childhood are very different from those of other types of cancers in the head and neck.
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A symptom of craniopharyngioma in childhood is headache. The majority of cases will experience a throbbing pain or a pounding headache. The most common symptom, which is called ataxia, is increased intracranial pressure. A person suffering from this condition may have an enlarged head circumference. In addition to the headache, he or she may also suffer from short stature.
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If the tumor is affecting the brain, the symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood include loss of vision in certain areas. The most common signs of craniopharyngioma are short stature and atypical hearing. Although the symptoms of the disease are not limited to the mouth and the head, the disorder may also affect the pituitary gland. A child with a craniopharyngioma in the head will need to undergo a thorough evaluation with a pediatrician.