While no clear cause is known for craniopharyngioma, it is believed to form during the brain's development, in particular in the craniopharyngeal duct and Rathke's pouch. Symptoms of this condition may vary according to the size of the tumor and where it is located. Your child's doctor will ask you about any symptoms your child may be experiencing and will likely chart your child's growth and weight to determine whether the tumor is growing at a rapid rate.
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While there are no specific symptoms of craniopharyngioma, you should seek treatment right away if you suspect any of these symptoms. While it is rare for these tumors to be malignant, they can impede the normal growth of the head. Usually, these symptoms are mild and will not cause any long-term problems. However, you should always consult with a doctor as soon as you suspect you may have craniopharyngioma in childhood.
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When you suspect that your child may have craniopharyngioma, your physician will conduct a neurological exam to diagnose the condition. Often, the tumor will be relatively small and unnoticeable. However, some tumors can spread to other parts of the brain and cause vision and hormone dysfunction. While there are no known signs of craniopharyngioma, symptoms can be subtle, and your child may need to be checked by a physician.
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Treatment for craniopharyngioma varies depending on the patient's age, overall health, type of tumor, location, size, and extent of disease. Surgical removal of the tumor, usually through the bottom of the nose, upper lip, or skull, is often the first step. Radiation therapy is often used to shrink the tumor. It may be combined with chemotherapy to help the tumor shrink.
While the majority of craniopharyngioma in children are benign, some cases are malignant.
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These tumors grow in the sellar/parasellar region. While the majority of cases are benign, some can be malignant. The most common signs of craniopharyngioma are headache, endocrine changes, visual abnormalities, and decreased growth. Your doctor may suggest treatment for these symptoms.
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Early detection is essential to prevent the development of craniopharyngioma in children. In addition to symptoms, it is important to identify the cause of craniopharyngioma. The disease may be present at birth or develop later in childhood. There are no known infectious or environmental causes for craniopharyngioma in childhood. Fortunately, ETT is often performed in all types of these cases.
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Although craniopharyngioma in children is considered benign, symptoms may be present for years before a diagnosis. The tumor can also compress the optic pathways and the pituitary stalk, as well as obstruct the cerebral spinal fluid pathways. In severe cases, it may also affect a child's growth and development. Further, it may cause a child to have short stature, vision loss, or other behavioral changes.
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Patients may experience headaches and visual disturbances. The most common symptoms in children are enlarged head circumference and decreased hearing. If they have a mass in the brain, they will likely have difficulty talking or eating. A doctor can also be concerned about the size of the tumor in the mouth, because they are not aware of the condition. If the tumor is on the optic nerve, it may be difficult to see.
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Symptoms of craniopharyngioma in childhood include ataxia, decreased appetite, fatigue, and a tendency toward development. These symptoms may be present at birth or may develop after a child has been diagnosed with the condition. Despite these symptoms, there are no certain causes for craniopharyngioma in children. Most cases are benign and do not require surgery.
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Most craniopharyngiomas are benign brain tumors. They do not spread and do not cause any symptoms in children. They are easily treated with surgery and high-dose radiation. Most patients who have craniopharyngioma in childhood are cured. While the symptoms are common, there are no specific signs that indicate the condition. These tumors can affect the growth and vision of children.