Generally, women are first diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) during a mammogram or another breast concern. Though the number of cases diagnosed has increased over the last several years, it is not due to an increased incidence of DCIS. In fact, recent advances in mammogram technology have made this condition more likely to be detected. While the cancer itself is not life-threatening, DCIS is a common diagnosis that requires treatment to prevent it from progressing and becoming invasive. Most women with DCIS are successfully treated with breast conserving surgery, but a few women may require radiation therapy as well.
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Symptoms of DCIS can include irregularly shaped, hard-to-see, or enlarged ducts. While the presence of these fatty lesions on the mammogram does not mean the cancer has spread, it does raise the risk of developing invasive breast cancer. This type of disease is a precursor to breast cancer. While it is rare, it is still an early sign of a potentially serious health problem.
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The first step in treating DCIS is identifying any early warning signs. If a lump is not present on a mammogram, it may be asymptomatic. If a tumor is present, the surgeon will perform a biopsy and determine whether it is invasive. If it is, he or she may recommend undergoing a mastectomy. The surgeon will need to confirm the diagnosis to help patients decide if treatment is necessary.
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If you have any unusual symptoms, report them to your physician as soon as possible. Most DCIS cases do not cause any symptoms. Rather, they are detected during routine mammograms designed to detect cancerous changes before they manifest themselves in symptomatic disease. However, regular self-exams are still important. So, when in doubt, consult your doctor. You may want to undergo a biopsy if the tumor is invasive.
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There are several different types of DCIS. The most common form is DCIS, which is the most common form. There are three main types of DCIS: Stage 0 and DCIS. DCIS is the first type of breast cancer. It is a precursor to invasive cancer and has a high cure rate. Regardless of its stage, it can be treated easily if detected in its early stages.
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There are various types of DCIS. The noninvasive cancer is also known as DUCT, or "milk duct cancer." Its symptoms are similar to those of invasive DCIS. A biopsy is necessary to diagnose DCIS, so that a tumor can be removed. During the stage of the disease, the breast is still viable. On the other hand, the cancer can spread to the lungs or other organs.
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The most common symptom of DCIS is a symptomless, irregularly-shaped lump in the milk duct. This type of cancer is rare and often curable, with a high cure rate and few symptoms. Despite the low cure rate of DCIS, this type is a precursor to invasive breast cancer. Fortunately, DCIS can be treated before it becomes invasive. The best option is to have your mammogram regularly.
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Although the causes of DCIS are not known, the disease is often diagnosed during a mammogram or another breast cancer screening. The disease can occur at any time and can be treatable with surgery. The cancer is not life-threatening, but if left untreated, it can lead to a recurrence. In the majority of cases, the cancer will remain unrelenting and require no further treatment.
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Symptomatic DCIS is very rare and usually not accompanied by any symptoms. In some cases, a patient may have a small amount of nipple discharge. In some cases, patients may experience a clear nipple discharge. As a result, the symptoms of DCIS are generally not severe. There are a few possible pitfalls. Nevertheless, it is important to seek medical care for the condition.
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Symptoms of ductal carcinoma in situ are usually not present. Among the symptoms of ductal carcinoma in situ are asymmetrical casting type calcifications and bloody nipple discharge. The cause of ductal carcinoma in situ is unknown, but DNA mutations have been linked to the development of this cancer. It is important to consult a doctor for the diagnosis and treatment of DCIS.