There are many different ways to detect ductal carcinoma in situ. During a mammogram, your doctor can check for changes in the cells of the breast. If you have a lump in the breast, a biopsy will reveal if the cancer is DCIS or a different type. If you have other symptoms, including the presence of a white spot, your doctor can perform a biopsy. If your test results show a cancer, you may be treated with radiation therapy. This is usually given after a mastectomy. In some cases, women may opt for a more invasive procedure such as a mastectomy. However, this option is not appropriate for every woman.
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Ductal cancer in situ is a type of non-invasive breast cancer. It is distinguished from lobular cancer because the tumor remains localized to its site of origin. Although the exact cause of ductal carcinoma in situ is unknown, researchers think that it has genetic components, and environmental factors, such as a person's environment and lifestyle. In fact, the disease is also associated with a high risk of recurrence.
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Despite the fact that ductal carcinoma in situ doesn't have any noticeable symptoms, it is often considered a risk factor for the development of invasive breast cancer. While few studies have examined the direct connection between LCIS and the development of invasive cancer, other findings suggest that women with LCIS have a higher risk of developing invasive lobular or ductal cancer.
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Fortunately, a number of breast cancer symptoms can be detected and treated early. The presence of ductal carcinoma in situ can be an indication that a doctor should perform a biopsy. This is possible because the tumor is still in its infancy stage. If you notice a lump in the breast, you should see your doctor. If you notice any of the above symptoms, you should consult with a doctor.
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Most patients with ductal carcinoma in situ do not show any symptoms and will not produce any measurable abnormalities. However, the presence of a lump or abnormal skin on the breast can be an indication of a ductal cancer in situ. If you are not feeling symptoms after a mammogram, you should undergo an ultrasound to check for a lump. In addition, you should seek a second opinion.
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Despite the fact that researchers do not know the cause of ductal cancer in situ, they have found certain factors that increase the risk of the disease. These factors can include genetics passed down from both parents and lifestyle. Additionally, a person's age, race, and family history may contribute to the likelihood of developing ductal carcinoma in situ. The cancer in situ in the breast is not life-threatening, but it is a precursor to invasive breast cancer.
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Symptoms of ductal carcinoma in situ are a sign of the cancer in the milk duct. In some cases, a woman may experience a clear nipple discharge. Nevertheless, the occurrence of any symptom is not the same as for a woman with an invasive cancer. The first signs of a ductal cancer in situ can be a warning sign of the disease.
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The presence of any of these symptoms should prompt a woman to get a mammogram and undergo an exam. In addition to mammograms, she should undergo a biopsy to determine the ductal carcinoma in situ. If she finds any abnormality in the breast, she should immediately consult a physician. A biopsy will be necessary to determine if the disease has spread. If the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, the cancer will not cause any symptoms.
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Treatment options for ductal cancer in situ are limited. Surgery may be necessary if it has spread to the muscle or connective tissue of the bladder. In situ tumors can be easily removed. Sometimes, they are treated with radiation. The only symptoms of DCIS are nipple and bloody nipple discharge. Surgical treatment can also be helpful if the cancer has spread to distant sites.