Although researchers aren't sure exactly what causes ductal carcinoma in situ, they do know that a number of factors are involved. The genes of your parents may be responsible for your risk, as can your lifestyle. For this reason, it's important to schedule a consultation with a doctor as soon as you notice any symptoms. Bring medical documentation with you to the appointment, including any previous treatment for any chronic conditions. If you have a family history of ductal cancer, make sure to discuss this with your physician.
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If you have these symptoms, you may have a ductal cancer in situ. This type of cancer is also called non-invasive or pre-invasive. These cancers start within a milk duct, which is located inside each breast. It allows milk to travel to the nipple. Fortunately, the treatment for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is minimally invasive.
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While radiation therapy is often given after a lumpectomy, women with DCIS may not be a good candidate. For example, if she has systemic lupus erythematosus, prior radiation, or a history of breast cancer, radiation therapy may not be an option. Additionally, a woman with DCIS may not want radiation therapy. Thankfully, a DCIS diagnosis is a relatively quick and noninvasive procedure. No lymph nodes are removed.
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Most women who are diagnosed with DCIS do not have symptoms. It's important to seek out a physician when they notice any unusual changes in their breasts. But even if you don't have any symptoms, you should continue with regular self-examinations. While you may not be aware of your risk, you can make an early diagnosis to improve your chances of a successful treatment.
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DCIS is also known as intraductal or lobular carcinoma in situ. The appearance of DCIS is often mistaken for lobular or ductal cancer. Because the cancer cells are not confined in the duct, they are difficult to detect without imaging. In addition, it is important to note that the disease can be very difficult to treat if it spreads throughout the body.
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Despite the fact that it usually does not produce any symptoms, women should have regular mammograms in order to be able to recognize it as soon as possible. For women who have never had a mammogram before, it may be worth your time to go in for a screening. If the cancer is present, you should seek a doctor right away. This will ensure that you're getting the best treatment.
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The cancer cells that cause DCIS are located on the sides of the milk duct. The cancer cells do not invade the muscle or connective tissue of the bladder wall and do not spread to other areas. In some cases, a lumpectomy is the only treatment option. However, in some cases, DCIS can still result in a mastectomy. Therefore, it's important to get a biopsy.
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If you have ductal carcinoma in situ, you should consult your doctor immediately. It is important to seek treatment as early as possible. The best treatment for DCIS is to be diagnosed as early as possible. There are several different treatments available. You may need surgery or radiation. It will depend on the type of DCIS you have. Your doctor will be able to help you with the risks and symptoms of the disease.
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You should also be aware of any other symptoms that may indicate that you have ductal carcinoma in situ. You should see a doctor if you notice any symptoms. If the cancer has spread, you should be treated promptly. Your doctor will be able to remove it. If you have DCIS, radiation therapy is the best treatment option. If your symptoms are not consistent with ductal cancer in situ, consider a mastectomy.
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In some cases, ductal cancer in situ is symptomless. Despite the name, most in-situ breast cancers are not symptomatic. Clear nipple discharge can be a sign of a tumor. The condition is characterized by genetic mutations. Its symptoms are not common, but you can have an ultrasound to check for them. Your physician can perform a biopsy to diagnose your condition.