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Ductal Carcinoma In Situ Symptoms - Oren Zarif - Ductal Carcinoma In Situ

During the initial diagnosis phase, patients should be aware that the disease is in the stage of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). This is a relatively benign tumor that is not likely to spread and may originate from a single milk duct. If diagnosed early enough, the prognosis is excellent. However, it is important to remember that there is no specific test to detect DCIS.

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Most women will not experience any symptoms of ductal carcinoma in situ. The disease is diagnosed during a routine mammogram and is usually not accompanied by other symptoms. In some cases, a lump or discharge from the breast may be present, or unusual skin in the breast. In such cases, doctors will perform a mammogram to check for calcifications. Because of its early diagnosis, the disease can be treated before it can spread and cause symptoms. Physical exams and radiation treatments are often used.

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If a woman has DCIS and has no evidence of cancer, her doctor will perform a lumpectomy or a hysterectomy. This procedure is usually performed following a breast cancer diagnosis. If a woman has other conditions or has taken medications, she may not be a good candidate for radiation therapy. During the biopsy, a biopsy of the breast tissue will be done to identify whether there are other signs of the disease.

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While there is no specific symptom of ductal carcinoma in situ, it can be very difficult to detect in its early stages. The most common treatment for DCIS is removal of the affected breast and radiation therapy. It is not a life-threatening disease, but it is important to receive treatment to prevent it from advancing into more aggressive cancers. In most cases, ductal carcinoma in situ can be treated successfully with breast-conserving surgery, but in some cases, breast-conserving surgery and radiation may be used in addition to this treatment.

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Symptoms of DCIS may include anemia, fatigue, and anemia. The disease may also be associated with prior radiation or systemic lupus erythematosus. In addition, DCIS is a less-invasive alternative to mastectomy. Although treatment options may differ, it is important to be evaluated by a physician. It is important to understand the difference between ductal carcinoma in situ and breast cancer in situ.

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The disease is commonly diagnosed with a mammogram. It is often found without any symptoms. A mammogram is often the only indicator of DCIS. The abnormal breast tissue will appear irregularly shaped and sized. DNA changes will cause the cancer cells to grow, which is the most common cause of DCIS. Inflammatory breast cancer is a symptom of DCIS. Its appearance is similar to a ductal fibroma in situ, but it has no visible ducts.

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DCIS is not a life-threatening disease, but it can cause a breast lump or blood nipple discharge. In most cases, DCIS does not produce symptoms and can be cured through surgery. Unlike DCIS, this cancer is not spread throughout the body. Therefore, it is a relatively painless form of DCIS. In some cases, it is undetectable by mammogram, but it may be hard to detect.

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There are several types of DCIS. DCIS is a type of breast cancer characterized by tumors that are found in a single area. This type of cancer is referred to as in situ, and it can be categorized as lobular or ductal. The cancer cells may be small, and they may look like a ductal cell or a lobular tumor.

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A lump in the breast or nipple is a sign of DCIS. There is no corresponding breast discharge or blood nipple in most cases. Symptoms of DCIS are clusters of irregular-shaped calcifications. It occurs when genetic mutations in the breast duct cells cause the abnormal growth of these cells. They lack the ability to break-out the duct.

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The symptoms of DCIS are not easily recognizable. Most cases of DCIS are diagnosed during routine screening tests. Most women with DCIS are not aware of their symptoms, but if they experience any changes in their breast, it is important to visit a physician for further testing. Self-exams are still essential, but it is vital to see a doctor if you notice any changes or have any other suspicious symptoms.


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