If you have breast cancer, you may have heard about ductal carcinoma in situ, or DCIS. The name is indicative of the fact that the cancer has spread within the ducts that connect milk-producing structures called lobules. During a mammogram, the doctor can see if the disease has spread. If it has, the treatment options will depend on where the tumor is located.
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In a biopsy, doctors may find cancer cells that are in situ or have been found in the chest. Ductal carcinoma in-situ is more likely to be pre-invasive than invasive breast cancer. As the name suggests, this type of cancer is non-invasive, so it can be diagnosed early and treated early. The disease develops in the ducts where milk travels. Once in situ, it is unable to spread.
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There are no symptoms of ductal carcinoma in situ. Most women with this type of cancer do not have any signs. Although a small percentage of women may experience a clear nipple discharge, it is rare. It is still recommended to undergo routine self-examinations. If you experience any unusual symptoms, you should schedule an appointment with your physician. However, you should also continue to perform regular self-examinations to be safe.
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While ductal carcinoma in situ is not a symptomatic disease, it is important to understand the symptoms of the disease. Fortunately, most in situ breast cancers are not symptomatic. While a small number of women will have a nipple discharge, it is uncommon for the condition to be symptomatic. This can be a sign of cancer and should be taken seriously.
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Most women with in situ cancers will not experience any symptoms. It is rare to have a nipple discharge that is clear. There are no other symptoms of in-situ breast cancer. Most women with in-situ breast cancer will not experience any of these symptoms. A few women may notice a lump. Patients with DCIS will usually undergo a lumpectomy and radiation.
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Symptoms of ductal carcinoma in situ include bloody nipple discharge, unusual breast skin, and a lump in the breast. During a mammogram, these abnormalities are usually found as asymmetrical casting type calcifications. Oftentimes, women do not have any symptoms with in-situ cancer. But they should seriously consider having a mammogram.
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Symptoms of DCIS include asymmetry in the breasts and a lump in the duct. In the past, women diagnosed with DCIS did not have any symptoms. It is only during a mammogram that doctors can detect it. The majority of women with DCIS have no symptoms at all. In addition, DCIS does not require the removal of lymph nodes. But it does require the removal of the affected lymph nodes.
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If the cancer cells have spread beyond the ducts, it can cause a mass in the surrounding area. In some cases, it can spread to other parts of the body. If this occurs, it is important to seek medical care as soon as possible. Despite the lack of symptoms, treatment options for DCIS are available for patients with DCIS. A biopsy will allow for a biopsy, which will reveal the presence of the tumor and determine whether it is in situ or not.
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The most common symptom of DCIS is a lump or a bump in the breast. During a mammogram, the doctor will examine the ductal tissues. A mammogram will show any abnormalities in the breast. If the tumor is DCIS, it will not cause any symptoms. It is usually detected during a mammogram. During a mammogram, DCIS is accompanied by a breast pain. During a mammogram, a physician will also check for any abnormalities.
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The most common symptoms of DCIS are a flat mass in the breast. DCIS does not spread to other parts of the body. This means that the cancer remains in the duct. It is not yet invasive, so it will not cause any pain. There are other DCIS symptoms that may occur in the duct. It may not be noticeable to the naked eye, but it will be obvious to the doctor.