A lump in the breast or blood nipple discharge are the most common symptoms of ductal carcinoma in situ. In many women, DCIS is undiagnosed, and the only way to tell if it is malignant is through a mammogram. This type of cancer is a genetically derived disease that presents clusters of irregular shapes and calcifications. It develops when the cells of the breast duct undergo mutations. These abnormal cells are not capable of breaking out of the duct.
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As the name suggests, DCIS is not a cancer but a form of breast tissue. It occurs inside ducts, which are hollow tubes connecting milk-producing structures called lobules. Often times, DCIS does not cause any symptoms, but it is important to get regular mammograms. In many cases, DCIS can be cured with breast-conserving surgery, although some women may require radiation treatment.
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While researchers are still investigating what causes DCIS, they know that certain factors can increase the risk of developing the disease. Some researchers believe that genes from the mother and father may play a role, as well as the environment and lifestyle. The prognostic index developed by the University of Southern California/Van Nuys in 1998 is a useful tool for identifying DCIS. The authors of the chapter suggest that the risk of recurrence is approximately 50% higher with DCIS than with other types of breast cancer.
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Fortunately, DCIS is not painful. It is usually diagnosed during a routine screening test, which identifies cancerous changes before warning signs begin to appear. It is important to note that women who have been diagnosed with DCIS are likely to experience minimal symptoms. Nonetheless, regular self-exams remain a key component of breast health, and it is crucial to seek a medical diagnosis immediately.
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Besides a blood nipple discharge, ductal carcinoma in situ can also cause a lump in the breast. Moreover, it can lead to blood nipple discharge. However, it is rare for women to experience these symptoms. Most women with DCIS will not experience any symptoms. Instead, they may experience a lump in the breast. A small, clear nipple discharge is the most common sign of DCIS.
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A lump in the breast is one of the first signs of DCIS. Other signs of DCIS include bloody nipple discharge and unusual skin on the breast. During a mammogram, a ductal carcinoma in situ may show up as asymmetrical casting type calcifications. As with other types of cancer, DCIS does not necessarily need to be detected with a mammogram.
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Unlike other forms of breast cancer, DCIS does not produce any noticeable symptoms. A majority of DCIS diagnoses occur during routine screening tests. These tests are designed to detect changes in breast tissues before they manifest into invasive cancer. Nevertheless, if you suspect any unusual breast swelling, you should see a physician immediately. Even if the cancer isn't yet causing any visible signs, you should continue to have regular mammograms to detect it early.
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If the cancer has spread, it may be difficult to detect. The tumor may appear as a lump in the breast, or it may be in the form of a bloody nipple discharge. In either case, it's best to visit a doctor as soon as possible. A mammogram is the only way to diagnose this type of cancer. Regardless of its severity, a treatment should be implemented promptly.
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The most common symptom of ductal carcinoma in situ is a nipple discharge. Fortunately, most cases of in situ breast cancer are asymptomatic. A few women may experience spontaneous nipple discharge, but it is rare. A biopsy is the only way to diagnose this cancer. If the tumor has spread beyond the duct, it will spread to nearby tissue.
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Patients with ductal carcinoma in situ should be evaluated as soon as possible to determine the most effective treatment options. In some cases, the disease can be overdiagnosed, but a close monitoring of the lesion can help to reduce its size and spread. The doctor will need to assess the patient's condition in order to determine if he or she has any other symptoms of the cancer. Further imaging may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis.