The first sign of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) is a shadowy area on a mammogram. It is the only type of cancer that can develop in the breast without being invasive. However, in 30% to 50% of women who have DCIS, invasive cancer will develop. The cancerous cells will often be located in the same breast as the DCIS. Mammograms are the most common method of detecting DCIS, as they often appear as a shadowy area on a mamogram.
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A mammogram is an excellent way to detect DCIS, and a biopsy will confirm the diagnosis. A biopsy will be used to remove tissue samples from the breast to determine if there are any tumors. Other diagnostic tests may be used to help determine the size of the tumor and how advanced the cancer is. Most women with DCIS will undergo a lumpectomy. If, however, you do develop any of these symptoms, your doctor will be able to advise you on how to proceed.
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Treatment for DCIS will depend on the stage of the cancer. In some cases, the disease can progress and spread to other parts of the body. Chemotherapy can be given to shrink the tumors or to kill them. Targeted therapy can be given to block the growth of cancer cells. It is often used with chemotherapy. When treatment is successful, a woman with DCIS will likely not require surgery.
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The first symptom of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ is a lump. If the duct becomes larger, it may lead to other types of breast cancer, such as a invasive cancer. The resulting tumor will spread throughout the breast, affecting other parts of the body. Consequently, it's essential to seek treatment early. A lumpectomy is the treatment of choice for most women with DCIS.
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The first symptom of DCIS is a lump. It is not usually visible, and most women with this type of cancer will not experience any other symptoms. In most cases, a lumpectomy will be necessary. The cancerous cells will be removed from the breast during the procedure. Once the doctor has determined the stage of DCIS, a treatment plan will be recommended. The tumor will be removed, leaving the duct behind.
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The symptoms of DCIS include milk production in the ducts between lobules. These ducts connect milk-producing structures called lobules. DCIS is a very common type of breast cancer, but it is often hard to detect without a biopsy. If you suspect that your DCIS is invasive, your doctor will remove the affected breast. You will most likely undergo a lumpectomy if you have DCIS.
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In some cases, Ductal Carcinoma In Situ may be diagnosed during a mammogram. Unlike invasive cancer, DCIS can be detected early. Most cases of DCIS are detected by mammogram, which means they have already spread. Patients with symptoms of DCIS should visit their physician immediately and seek treatment. A breast cancer doctor can perform a mammogram to confirm the diagnosis.
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DCIS symptoms can be easily recognized by a mammogram. A biopsy is required to confirm a diagnosis of DCIS. It is usually performed by using needles to remove tissue samples from the affected breast. MRIs may also be done to determine the location of the tumor. Depending on the extent of the disease, it may be possible to remove the entire tumor. In most cases, the tumor in DCIS can be removed through a lumpectomy.
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Although there are no specific symptoms of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ, the cancerous cells are present in the milk duct. It is called DCIS because the cancer cells have not spread beyond the original site. Most women with DCIS undergo a lumpectomy. The cancer may be found by mammography or MRI. Once the disease is identified, the patient can choose between a biopsy or a surgical procedure.
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Although DCIS usually does not cause symptoms, it can cause significant problems. While a DCIS tumor may be very small, it may be found in multiple milk ducts. If it is detected early enough, treatment is possible. If it is detected in an early stage, the chances of invasive cancer are significantly increased. But, the best treatment for DCIS is to wait for a mammogram.