Although DCIS is often treated as Stage 0 cancer, it is not a disease you can live with if you are diagnosed with it. This is because the tumor is in a milk duct, and the prognosis is still favorable. As a result, treatment of DCIS is important to get the best possible outcome. If you suspect DCIS, see your doctor as soon as possible.
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Despite being a relatively rare form of breast cancer, there are some symptoms that you should be aware of. The first is a sudden, excessive discharge from the nipple. This is usually clear, but it's rare. If you notice a discharge in this area, that is an early sign of cancer. If you have any of these symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor right away.
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You should be aware of the signs and symptoms of DCIS. Although this type of cancer is rarely symptomatic, you should visit a physician if you notice any unusual changes in your breast. Self-exams are important, too, and regular visits to a physician are always a good idea. The sooner DCIS is diagnosed, the better. There are no warning signs that would prompt you to go under the knife.
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The first symptom is a lump in the breast that can be treated by surgery. If you have this kind of cancer, it will require radiation. While radiation treatment will be necessary, the symptoms of DCIS are manageable with the right approach. With treatment, DCIS can be eliminated in its early stages. The main goal is to improve the quality of life of the patient, which is the goal of treating DCIS.
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When a lump is detected, it will require physical examination and further testing. The diagnosis is made based on the presence of lymph nodes and atypical breast tissue. Once a doctor has confirmed a tumor is present, they will perform a surgical biopsy. If no visible symptoms are present, the tumor may have been diagnosed in a noncancerous area. If you have any suspicious findings, you will need further testing to determine its stage.
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The symptoms of ductal carcinoma in situ are a sign of the disease. It is a type of cancer that begins inside the milk ducts and is not invasive. The diagnosis is usually made through mammography. It does not spread to distant sites, but it does cause discomfort and can affect the quality of life of the patient. However, if it is detected at an early stage, treatment is possible.
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Patients should seek medical attention if they have any of these symptoms. The symptoms of ductal carcinoma in situ should be accompanied by a physical exam. A biopsy may be helpful if the disease has not yet spread beyond the milk duct. In addition to the physical exam, patients should be referred to a specialist if they develop any of these symptoms. The diagnosis should be based on the type of cancer.
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Symptoms of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ are often confined to the area of origin. Multiple areas of the cancer can be difficult to remove through a quadrantectomy or lumpectomy. These conditions require immediate medical attention. They are usually treated with radiation. A breast MRI may be helpful as a screening test. They may also be a sign of other conditions, such as hormone-related disorders, or a rash.
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Women with a ductal carcinoma in situ are more likely to develop breast cancer in the future. Most women with DCIS have no symptoms. They do not need to undergo surgery, but should consult a doctor as soon as possible. During a mammogram, they will look for a symptom that indicates a suspicious area. If they see a suspicious spot, they will be diagnosed with a biopsy.
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When diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ, the cancer is often asymptomatic and does not present any symptoms. During a mammogram, you will notice lumps or a bloody nipple discharge. This is a sign of cancer cells in the duct. These cells are responsible for carrying breast milk to the nipple. When they grow out of control, the cancer will reach distant organs and cause a lump or a tumour.