Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) is a type of breast cancer. This form of the disease develops in a region of the breast where the milk-producing structures known as lobules connect. Because it is noninvasive, it is often missed by mammograms. However, the American Cancer Society expects more than 63,960 new cases of DCIS to be diagnosed this year. This number is growing, as more women realize the importance of early detection.
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Getting a mammogram every year has become increasingly important and has become easier to perform. It has also become more technologically advanced and has helped doctors detect problems earlier. In 2018, approximately 12.4% of all U.S. women will develop invasive breast cancer.
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Although researchers do not know what causes DCIS, they have hypotheses. Some factors may be responsible for the increased frequency of DCIS in recent years, including better mammogram technology. Even though DCIS is not a life-threatening condition, it still requires treatment to prevent it from progressing to an invasive form. Fortunately, most women diagnosed with DCIS are able to treat this type of cancer with a breast conserving surgery. Some women will also require additional treatment such as radiation.
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A mammogram will usually detect ductal carcinoma in situ in the early stages. Because ductal carcinoma in situ has no symptoms, it is easy to overlook it when the disease is detected in a mammogram. Nevertheless, the appearance of irregular shapes and sizes on a mammogram is usually an indicator of a more serious ailment. DNA changes in the cell's DNA signal that it needs to grow.
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Although ductal carcinoma in situ is not a life-threatening condition, women with the disorder should seek medical care as soon as possible. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of ductal cancer in situ, it is likely that your doctor will recommend that you undergo a mammogram as soon as possible. In the meantime, it is important to get the necessary treatment to minimize the chance of invasive cancer in the future.
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In the early stages, there are no noticeable symptoms. The breast cancer in situ is a stage 0 disease. It develops in the milk duct and is often called ductal carcinoma in situ. In the later stages, it is referred to as asymptomatic. Its symptoms are not life-threatening. If you develop ductal carcinoma in situ, your doctor will recommend surgery to remove the affected duct.
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Most women will develop ductal carcinoma in situ if the symptoms of this cancer are recurrent and do not respond to treatment. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, see your doctor. The tumor is not life-threatening, but you must have it checked by a physician. You should schedule an appointment for a biopsy to determine if it is invasive. In the early stages of the cancer, the diagnosis is often delayed.
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The first symptom is an abnormal mammogram. The diagnosis is made when a mammogram shows an abnormality in the milk duct. If the abnormal cells are found in the milk duct, it is best to get a mammogram. A mammogram will detect any cancer. Once a diagnosis is made, the condition will be removed if it grows to a size greater than the cancer.
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The first symptom is a lump that has grown in a duct inside the breast. This cancer is often considered stage 0 and can affect any milk duct. The first stage of the disease is called DCIS. Patients with DCIS should seek medical treatment to improve their prognosis. As a rule, the tumor size is not greater than one inch. Further, the DCIS symptoms may be accompanied by multiple lesions and involve the entire breast.
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In addition to the symptoms of a lump in the breast, a woman should also consider her doctor's MRI to make sure that the lump is caused by a cancer. If the cancer has spread beyond the duct, a second surgery is necessary. Alternatively, treatment may be needed. Depending on the extent of the DCIS, the breast can be surgically reshaped to remove the tumour.