In most cases, no symptoms are apparent when a woman has ductal carcinoma in situ. But in certain rare cases, women may have a clear discharge from the nipples. In these cases, it is important to seek treatment from a breast cancer specialist. Listed below are some of the symptoms of DCIS. You can also use other coping strategies to manage the condition, such as meditation, aromatherapy, and massage.
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First, know that a DCIS is very different from an invasive cancer. Those with DCIS will have no invasive cancer, and the cancer is only found on mammograms. A lumpectomy will be performed for most women with DCIS. The breast will look very similar to an ordinary mammogram, and there may be several different types of DCIS in one patient. The symptoms of DCIS vary among women.
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The most common symptoms of DCIS are pain and tenderness in the breast. They also include a rash or itchiness. However, the symptoms of DCIS aren't always visible. The majority of cases of DCIS are detected during routine mammograms, which are designed to detect cancerous changes before any warning signs are present. It is important to see a doctor if you develop any unusual symptoms. Self-examination is also important, but this is only a first step.
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The diagnosis of DCIS can be made through a mammogram or ultrasound. A biopsy is often performed to confirm the diagnosis. The sample will be sent for an MRI or ultrasound to examine the tissue of the tumor. The results of these tests will tell the doctor whether the breast cancer is in the same area as the DCIS. Once the cancer has been confirmed, most women will be treated by a lumpectomy.
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As with any breast cancer, DCIS is not life-threatening, but it can lead to invasive disease. It is very important to be screened for this type of cancer to avoid complications. 80% of women with DCIS will have an invasive cancer. A mammogram will reveal a shadowy area on a mammogram. A lumpectomy is the most common treatment for DCIS.
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If the cancer is detected early, a mammogram can be performed to confirm the diagnosis of DCIS. A biopsy will help doctors determine the size and location of the tumor. If the cancer is still too small, the patient may undergo surgery. The surgeon will remove the tumor, if necessary. A surgical treatment depends on the size and location of the tumor. If it is too large, a lumpectomy may be required.
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The symptoms of DCIS may include irregular shapes or sizes. These cancers are usually found on a mammogram. They will not cause any symptoms, so it is important to seek treatment early. The cancer will be diagnosed after the initial stage. It is also important to note that invasive cancer can lead to a weakened or nodular breast. If this is the case, you should seek a mammogram as soon as possible.
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It is important to note that DCIS does not cause any symptoms. Most women with DCIS will develop invasive cancer if they ignore the symptoms of DCIS. In addition, invasive cancer may not develop for a few years. For this reason, it is important to seek treatment at an early stage. But DCIS should not be ignored, as it can lead to invasive cancer. A biopsy will reveal whether the tumor has spread beyond the initial stage.
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If you have ductal carcinoma in situ, you should seek treatment as soon as possible. The disease may be referred to as a pre-cancer or stage 0 cancer. A diagnosis of DCIS will not cause any symptoms, but it can still be a precursor to other types of cancer. Your doctor will want to examine your breast and perform a biopsy to determine whether there is a cancer.
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Symptoms of DCIS are rare and may not be easily recognized without a mammogram. It may be asymptomatic. It can be asymptomatic in the early stages. If you have a suspicious lump, consult your doctor. The biopsy may show ductal carcinoma in situ. It is usually a cluster of calcifications in the breast. There are no other obvious symptoms of DCIS.