Embryonal tumors are a very serious condition that can be life-threatening. These growths develop in the developing brain and spinal cord. Children with these growths often show symptoms such as unusual sleepiness, low energy levels, and delayed developmental milestones. Doctors use imaging tests to diagnose these types of tumors, including an MRI or CT scan. Other tests include a physical exam, which includes checking for unusual signs of disease. A child's medical history includes past illnesses and a family history.
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Embryonal tumors are poorly differentiated tumors that begin in fetal cells in the brain. They can appear in children or adults of any age, but most commonly occur in babies and young children. The most common type of embryonal tumor is called a medulloblastoma. They begin in the cerebellum, which is responsible for balance and muscle coordination. They tend to spread throughout the body and through the cerebrospinal fluid.
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Other types of embryonal tumors affect the spinal cord and brain, with symptoms depending on the location and age of the child. Embryonal tumors that occur in the spinal cord and brain are often the most aggressive of all brain tumors, and their symptoms can include difficulty walking, double vision, and loss of balance. Depending on the location of the tumor, symptoms may vary from infant to child.
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A child's symptoms can be a result of the tumor's location. It can also block cerebrospinal fluid flow and put pressure on the brain. To relieve the pressure, the doctor may place an external ventricular drain or a ventriculoperitoneal shunt in the spinal cord to remove the tumor. The child may also undergo additional treatments. These treatments may involve chemotherapy or radiation.
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If the tumor has spread to the central nervous system (CNS), it may affect the child's ability to walk or talk. The child may lose sense of balance or experience seizures. A pediatrician can also perform an MRI to detect the tumor. Depending on the location and type of embryonal tumor, the child may also show some of the following symptoms: When a physician examines the tumor, it is often possible to perform a lumbar puncture.
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A lumbar puncture is an injection that collects cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the spinal column. The needle is inserted between two vertebrae and into the CSF surrounding the spinal cord. The CSF sample is then checked for the presence of tumor cells. Other symptoms may include higher or lower levels of protein and glucose in the CSF. Some patients may also experience other types of embryonal tumors.
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A lumbar puncture is a procedure used to collect cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the spinal cord. A lumbar puncture involves inserting a needle between two bones of the spine to obtain the CSF. It may be done to examine for the presence of tumor cells. Depending on the location and the type of embryonal tumor, the sample may be checked for protein and glucose levels. If there are signs of a tumor, it should be taken by a doctor.
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Other CNS embryonal tumors have different symptoms. Typically, a child with this condition will have difficulty walking and losing balance. In addition, he or she will have double vision. Further, a child with this condition may have a difficult time meeting developmental milestones. Some of these signs and symptoms can be deadly. If left untreated, an EM tumor may cause other conditions.
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The most common sign of an embryonal tumor is a swelling in the cerebrum. It can be either benign or malignant. Generally, the most common type of treatment is surgery, which removes as much of the tumor as possible. The doctor will use the most appropriate techniques for the specific type of EM, as well as other techniques to relieve pain. There are also several underlying problems that can be caused by this condition.
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Symptoms of an embryonal tumour may be similar to those of a malignancy. The most common symptoms of an embryonal tumor are weakness, double vision, and fever. Some of these symptoms may last for months or years. However, a child with an EM should be treated immediately, as it may lead to permanent damage. A child who has one of these tumors should contact a specialist in the first case, as the symptoms may be different for each type.