Embryonal tumors in the central nervous system are highly malignant and poorly differentiated. Since their first description in 1979, they have been classified according to molecular characteristics. However, the symptoms of these tumors are very difficult to detect, which is why early detection is essential. If you suspect that your child has an EBMT, here are some symptoms you can look out for. In most cases, these cancers do not present any noticeable signs or symptoms, and there is no cure.
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One of the most important symptoms of this cancer is the abnormal growth of blood vessels in the brain. Despite their appearance, these tumors are very rare. A biopsy is necessary to determine whether it is an embryonal tumor. Typically, it is performed to determine whether there is a mass in the central nervous system. A CT scan is also recommended if a patient develops these symptoms. Usually, patients are diagnosed with one or more of these tumors.
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The most common type of CNS embryonal tumors are medulloblastomas, which are fast-growing tumors of the cerebellum. The cerebellum is located at the lower back of the brain and between the cerebrum and the brain stem. It is responsible for movement, posture, and balance. Often, a medulloblastoma will spread throughout the body. A PNET, or primitive neuroectodermal tumour, forms in the cerebrum, which is the largest part of the brain and controls thinking. These cancers may spread to the spinal cord or other parts of the body, including the lungs.
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Embryonal tumors can affect any area of the body. Most common types of CNS tumors, called medulloblastomas, form in the cerebellum, which is the lower back of the brain. The cerebellum controls posture and movement. Depending on the location of the tumor, the symptoms can be mild, moderate, or severe. These tumors may cause a child to become irritable and miss developmental milestones.
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In children, the symptoms of an embryonal tumor may vary depending on where the tumor is located and how far it has spread. The most common symptom of an embryonal tumor is a headache. Other possible symptoms of an embryonal tumor include anemia, fever, and pain. If the tumor is in the brain, the child may suffer from seizures, nystagmus, and hydrocephalus.
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The most common CNS embryonal tumors in children are medulloblastoma and astrocytoma. Some children with this type of tumor may experience a wide variety of symptoms, including loss of balance, difficulty walking, and seizures. Some patients may have hemiparesis, double vision, and seizures. A child with this tumor may also be irritable and have developmental delays.
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A patient may also have multiple symptoms. Depending on the location of the tumour and age of the child, they can range from a mild headache to a full-blown tumor. Most symptoms are unrelated to the type of embryonal tumor, but may be accompanied by other signs of a disease. There may be a loss of appetite or a decrease in energy. Some children with this type of cancer may be experiencing a loss of appetite or a loss of weight.
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Embryonal tumors are rare, but the symptoms of this cancer vary. It is important to consult a doctor if you suspect that you or your child may have a tumor in the CNS. Depending on the location and type of embryonal tumor, there are several tests that can detect these conditions. A lumbar puncture can be used to collect cerebrospinal fluid in the spinal cord.
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Depending on the location of the tumor, your child may experience a variety of symptoms. If your child has a CNS tumor, you may experience headaches and sensitivity to light. Another sign of an embryonal tumour is a rash. Some people may experience multiple symptoms. If your child has a rash or is suffering from other ailment, you may be experiencing an enlarged CNS.
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Symptoms of embryonal tumors in the central nervous system can be difficult to diagnose. The symptoms of an embryonal tumor in the brain can last for many months or even years. Some treatments can cause side effects that may last for months or years after a patient is diagnosed with a brain tumour. These can result in a second cancer. Fortunately, the symptoms of an EBMT are usually mild and treatable.-------------------------