The first sign of endometrial cancer is bleeding during or after sex. The pain is referred to as abdominal pain or lower tummy pain. The symptoms are different for each woman. For example, the symptoms may be caused by other conditions, such as a polyp, or by the cancer spreading to other areas of the body. Nonetheless, the signs and symptoms of endometrial tumors are important to look out for.
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The causes of endometrial cancer are still unknown, but experts believe that changes in levels of progesterone and estrogen are important. These hormones stimulate endometrial cells to multiply. As a result, these cells develop into cancerous cells with genetic changes. They rapidly grow and eventually form a tumor. While these symptoms are common, they should be investigated by a doctor. There are several symptoms that can indicate that you might be developing this disease.
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If you experience any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor. A doctor can rule out other causes of vaginal bleeding. While menopause and endometrial cancer can cause abnormal bleeding, abnormal vaginal discharge may be a sign of endometrial cancer. You should visit a specialist for a diagnosis and to discuss possible treatment options. If the cancer has spread, chemotherapy may be recommended. A patient may also have to undergo a surgical procedure.
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Pain in the pelvic area is another symptom of endometrial cancer. This pain usually radiates to the back and legs. Other symptoms include irregular vaginal bleeding. These symptoms may be a sign of perimenopause. Regardless of whether they are due to perimenopause or cancer, it is important to visit a medical professional. A doctor can determine if the cancer has spread to other organs or to the vagina.
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In addition to pain, women with endometrial cancer may also experience weakness in the lower abdomen or back. In addition to pain in the abdomen, patients may also experience pain in the legs and back. In addition to these symptoms, many women experience a loss of appetite or fatigue. A woman who feels this way should visit a doctor right away. These symptoms are non-specific and may be a sign of advanced endometrial cancer.
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In addition to pain, endometrial cancer can also cause symptoms in the pelvic area. Some women may feel pain in the abdomen or back, while others may feel no pain at all. A woman with these symptoms should seek medical attention immediately. If they experience any of these problems, it is important to see a doctor. Generally, the symptoms of endometrial cancer are non-specific, which can be difficult to diagnose without the proper examination. Moreover, some women have no symptoms or are unresponsive to treatment.
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The symptoms of endometrial cancer are non-specific. In fact, only 30% of the cases are diagnosed during the early stage. In the advanced stages, it is often associated with pelvic pain, unintended weight loss, and a perceivable mass. In addition to the pain, women may also experience loss of appetite, fatigue, or constipation. In rare cases, the cancer may affect their ovaries and bladder.
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In the advanced stages of the disease, the symptoms of endometrial cancer are non-specific. In fact, only a third of the cases are diagnosed at the advanced stage. However, women with these symptoms should consult a gynecologist as soon as they notice any changes in their menstrual cycle. A biopsy will reveal the exact location of the cancer, so it is important to take samples.
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One of the most common signs of endometrial cancer is abnormal vaginal bleeding. The bleeding may range from light, watery clots, or even more blood. It may be heavy, or it can be blood-streaked. These symptoms should be taken seriously, and a doctor should consider them as a cause of further tests. If the bleeding continues, the doctor may recommend a biopsy.
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The symptoms of endometrial cancer are usually difficult to recognize because they are so similar to those of other conditions. The pain experienced during sexual intercourse can be caused by endometrial cancer, while the pain during urination may be caused by a fibrous tumor. These symptoms may also be mistaken for other conditions, such as fibroids or endometriosis. Fortunately, the majority of cases of this cancer can be treated successfully with surgery.