The following symptoms are common to women with endometrial cancer. In nine out of 10 cases, vaginal bleeding is observed during or after menstruation. The pain during or after sex is known as lower tummy pain. If the pain lasts longer than two weeks, the symptom may indicate an enlarged uterus. In addition, the uterus can bleed during pelvic examinations.
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Patients with breast cancer are at an increased risk for developing endometrial cancer. This risk may be due to genetic constellations or shared risk factors. For example, a woman may have cancer genes or may have taken Tamoxifen. Another person may have Lynch syndrome, a genetic predisposition to certain cancers. If a woman has Lynch syndrome, she has a higher chance of developing endometrial disease before age 50.
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In addition to the above symptoms, endometrial cancer patients may also experience abnormal vaginal bleeding. This bleeding may range from watery to blood-streaked and contain more blood than usual. This bleeding is typically not related to the menstrual cycle and may be a sign of another health problem. The pain and vaginal abnormality should prompt a visit to a doctor. In most cases, the doctor will perform a blood test to confirm the diagnosis.
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The most common symptom of endometrial cancer is abnormal vaginal bleeding. This blood may be watery or blood-streaked and may contain a lot of blood. These bleeding episodes may happen before or after menopause. In any event, women should consult a doctor about their bleeding. If the pain is severe, the doctor will prescribe a blood test and ultrasound to determine whether the symptoms are caused by endometrial cancer.
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The most common endometrial cancer symptoms include unintended weight loss, pain in the pelvis, and rectal or abdominal swelling. Despite the relatively low risk of endometrial cancer, the symptoms vary from woman to woman. However, in the case of a family history of cancer, symptoms may be related to a person's family's genetics. For women with these symptoms, it is important to seek medical care for the condition.
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Most endometrial cancer symptoms are nonspecific in the early stages. In some cases, the cancer spreads to lymph nodes and reaches the lymph nodes. The surgeon will perform a procedure called "lymphatic mapping" to find the affected lymph nodes. In a small percentage of cases, this procedure will only affect sentinel lymph nodes. It is important to keep in mind that the cancer can spread to other parts of the body.
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Other endometrial cancer symptoms may include weakness or pain in the lower abdomen. These symptoms may also be linked to a family history of the disease. A blood test is necessary to determine the type of cancer and its progression. A specialist may recommend a treatment plan that best fits the patient's needs and preferences. If you have any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately. Your health depends on your diagnosis.
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A biopsy is often necessary to determine the extent of the cancer and how it is spreading throughout the body. In some cases, the cancer has spread to other areas of the body and has spread to other parts. Therefore, it is important to have the cancer diagnosed at an early stage. Your doctor may order tests to determine whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. These tests will allow your doctor to decide the most appropriate treatment.
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Endometrial cancer symptoms may be related to a family history of the disease. You should visit your doctor as soon as you experience any of these symptoms. Your doctor may also recommend a blood test or a pelvic exam. If the cancer has spread to other areas, you may need a surgical procedure. During this procedure, your health care team will remove the affected tissue. The cervix, uterus, and ovaries are all removed.
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The most common endometrial cancer symptoms include pain during sexual intercourse, pelvic pain during urination, and pain when urinating. These symptoms are similar to those of other non-cancerous conditions, such as fibroids or endometriosis. Some of these symptoms are similar to the symptoms of other non-cancerous conditions, so you should consult a gynecologist right away if you suspect any of these symptoms.