Although it's rare to experience symptoms of endometrial cancer, the disease can still be dangerous. There are many symptoms of endometrial cancer that you should look for. These can include pain in the legs and back, as well as the symptoms of menopause. You should also consult with a doctor if you experience any abnormal bleeding. These symptoms are common with perimenopause, so you should have your doctor check them out.
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Most commonly, women experience abnormal vaginal bleeding, which can range from light and watery to more blood. These can occur during or after menopause, and are an early sign of endometrial cancer. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it's a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor. During the consultation, your doctor will discuss any symptoms you're experiencing and your symptoms.
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The symptoms of endometrial cancer are nonspecific and are often difficult to recognize. However, in 30% of cases, the symptoms of endometrial cancer are easily misdiagnosed. The most common signs of this cancer include pain in the pelvic region, unintended weight loss, and a perceivable pelvic mass. Fortunately, the vast majority of cases are diagnosed in its early stages. Symptoms of endometrial carcinoma can affect the bladder, rectum, vagina, ovaries, and rectal area. They can be accompanied by other signs, including fatigue, loss of appetite, and even a lump or mass on the abdomen.
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If you're worried about any of these symptoms, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor. Your physician will conduct a pelvic examination, and may do a D&C procedure to determine the cause of the pain. The doctor will then refer you to a gynecologic oncologist for further evaluation. They'll be able to properly diagnose and manage your care. There are also many treatments available for this type of cancer, so be sure to schedule an appointment with your doctor today.
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Generally, the symptoms of endometrial cancer are nonspecific and are not related to menstrual cycles. They include abnormal bleeding during sex, abdominal pain, and a palpable mass in the pelvic area. Other endometrial cancer symptoms include unintended weight loss, chest pain, and irregular, heavy bleeding. During a woman's lifetime, a period may last up to five years.
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When you notice endometrial cancer symptoms, your doctor will want to perform a biopsy. This is not an easy process, but a biopsy will help the doctors better identify the disease. There are several types of endometrial cancer and it's important to find the right treatment for your condition. Your doctor will discuss your options with you. If you've noticed any of these symptoms, your doctor will want to examine you to determine whether you have a tumor.
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In addition to symptoms of endometrial cancer, you'll want to talk with your doctor if you're experiencing any of these symptoms. She will be able to tell you about the various possible causes of your symptoms, including family history. If you're experiencing any of these signs, your doctor will also be able to advise you on the right treatment. You should be aware of any changes in your vaginal bleeding that might indicate endometrial cancer.
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You'll need to see a doctor if you have any of the symptoms of endometrial cancer. Your doctor will also want to take a biopsy. A biopsy will be necessary for this type of cancer. The results of a biopsy will allow the doctors to determine the exact cause of your endometrial cancer. In addition, the endometrial lining of your uterus can be affected by chemotherapy.
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The symptoms of endometrial cancer are not always specific. They can be attributed to a family history of cancer. If you experience these symptoms, you should consult with your doctor to ensure that your symptoms are not caused by other conditions. If the cancer has spread to other areas of your body, it can cause other symptoms. The most common symptoms of endometrial cancer include abdominal pain and bleeding after sex.
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The diagnosis of endometrial cancer is based on the type and location of the disease. Early stage endometrial cancer is not aggressive and does not require any surgery. In fact, it may even be treated with chemotherapy. The treatment of endometrial cancer depends on the symptoms that you have. The symptoms of this disease are common and can be difficult to ignore. They are not uncommon in women. Therefore, you should consult a doctor to know if you have any of these symptoms.