Women who have signs of endometrial cancer should visit their doctor right away. A diagnosis may be made in the early stages, and the cancer may be treatable. Some treatments for this disease are fertility-sparing and surgery may be used in certain cases. However, the best way to determine whether you are experiencing any symptoms is through self-examination and a biopsy. The symptoms listed below are just a sampling of the many signs and symptoms associated with this disease.
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The most common symptom of endometrial cancer is abnormal vaginal bleeding, particularly after menopause. Because the cancer predominates among post-menopausal women, even a single episode of bleeding or streaks of blood should be a cause for concern. You should see your gynecologist right away if you experience any of these symptoms. Fortunately, the treatment for endometrial cancer is usually quite effective, with a high five-year survival rate.
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Symptoms of endometrial cancer vary between different stages and types. In grade 1, the cells look very similar to normal endometrial cells, while grade 2 and grade 3 have cells that are poorly differentiated and rapidly growing. While the symptoms for each stage are not the same, they are all significant. It is important to get a proper diagnosis for the most effective treatment. Although there are some rare types of this cancer, many women have these signs to seek medical attention.
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If you're noticing any of these symptoms, visit your gynecologist as soon as possible. Some of these symptoms are normal, so it is important to see your doctor as soon as you notice any unusual changes. In addition to bleeding, other endometrial cancer symptoms include pain, irregular menstruation, and other symptoms. Keeping a menstrual diary is a useful tool for recording your monthly period and notifying your doctor about your condition.
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The most common endometrial cancer symptom is pain in the pelvis. During sexual intercourse, women may experience pain in the pelvic area. A woman may also have difficulty emptying her bladder. A doctor can help you distinguish between these symptoms and determine the cause. If you are experiencing pain, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible to ensure the best outcome. There are other symptoms of endometrial cancer that can lead to the need for treatment.
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Other signs of endometrial cancer include vaginal pain, pelvic pain, and abdominal pain. A doctor may want to examine your cervix and vagina for a mass. If these symptoms are present, she will recommend a test to check for the presence of tumors. Some women with endometrial cancer may have some of these symptoms, but this is not always the only sign.
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One of the most common endometrial cancer symptom is abnormal vaginal bleeding. This is especially a problem after menopause, as this is the most common time for women to develop this disease. Moreover, if a woman is bleeding with blood streaks in her vagina, she should see a doctor right away. If her bleeding is bloody, it is a possible sign of endometrial cancer.
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Abnormal vaginal bleeding is a common sign of endometrial cancer. It can range from watery to bloody and may contain a lot of blood. It is normal for women to experience abnormal bleeding during or after menopause, so it is important to visit a doctor right away. Your doctor will perform an exam, ask you questions, and discuss the symptoms with you. If you have a family history of cancer, your doctor can suggest treatments that are most effective for this type of disease.
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The most common symptom of endometrial cancer is the pain and bleeding in the lower tummy after menopause. This is known as postcoital bleeding, but can also occur between menopause and a woman's first period. A doctor can also diagnose this disease if the symptoms are associated with her family history of cancer. Further, other symptoms of endometrial ailment can be more serious.
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PDQ is an online resource from the National Institutes of Health, which publishes the latest information about endometrial cancer. Using the PDQ, physicians can quickly identify the signs and symptoms of the disease. In most cases, patients with endometrial cancer can be treated without chemotherapy or radiation. There are a few factors that affect the prognosis of endometrial cancer.