Women suffering from endometrial cancer often experience bleeding after sexual intercourse or after each menstrual period. This is known as postcoital bleeding, and for women who have not yet reached the age of menopause, it is called intermenstrual bleeding. Some women also experience pain in the lower tummy during or after sex, which is known as abdominal pain. There are other symptoms of endometrial cancer, but they may be caused by other problems.
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In the early stages, endometrial cancer symptoms are nonspecific. Only 30% of cases are diagnosed in its advanced stages, which are characterized by pelvic pain and perceivable masses in the pelvis. However, in most cases, the symptoms are identified during the early stages. The most common signs of endometrial cancer are pain in the vagina, rectal area, and bladder, persistent pelvic cramping, and loss of appetite.
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Pain in the legs, back, or other organs is another common symptom of endometrial cancer. Abnormal vaginal bleeding is also another common symptom of this cancer, but it may be mistaken for perimenopause. If you have these symptoms, you should see your doctor immediately. There are other symptoms of endometrial tumors that you should be aware of. So, if you're experiencing pain in your pelvic area or other parts of your body, it is likely you have this type of cancer.
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Although there are no specific symptoms of endometrial cancer, you should be aware of these symptoms. If they happen regularly, they could indicate an underlying condition. In some cases, you may have to undergo several procedures before your cancer has spread to other parts of the body. It's important to seek medical attention if you notice any of these signs or if your symptoms are persistent. If you're unsure of what is causing the pain, you should ask your doctor for an ultrasound.
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The most common symptom of endometrial cancer is abnormal vaginal bleeding. It may be watery or blood-streaked, and it could contain more than one gram of blood. The bleeding may start during or after menopause and is very common in women. In case of unusual bleeding, you should consult your doctor. The doctor will ask you about your symptoms and assess the risk. During the treatment process, you might experience some side effects.
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Those suffering from endometrial cancer should consult a doctor for diagnosis. Most women who experience abnormal bleeding will require additional testing. Typically, this will include ultrasound, blood tests, and x-rays. During a diagnosis, your doctor will discuss your symptoms with you and suggest possible treatment options. Your doctor will examine your uterus and cervix. These are the two most common symptoms of endometrial cancer.
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Often, endometrial cancer symptoms occur during sexual intercourse. Some women also experience pelvic pain, which can interfere with sexual intercourse. They may also experience difficulty emptying their bladder. In addition to the pain and bleeding, endometrial cancer can also cause a woman to lose weight and experience other physical symptoms. Patients with abdominal pain should visit a doctor to get diagnosed with this condition. They should seek treatment to ensure that they are not suffering from any symptoms.
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There are various signs of endometrial cancer, such as abnormal bleeding or discharge, abdominal pain, or a palpable mass in the pelvic area. Other symptoms of endometrial cancer may include loss of appetite and fatigue. Lastly, they may experience a palpable mass in the vagina or a persistent cough. These signs are all indications of the disease and should be investigated immediately.
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A woman may experience abnormal vaginal bleeding after menopause. This is especially concerning after menopause, since women with this condition are more likely to suffer from endometrial cancer. While the majority of women with this condition experience irregular bleeding during postmenopause, even one episode of bleeding is a sign of the disease. Moreover, if a woman experiences heavy vaginal bleeding, she should visit her gynecologist immediately.
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Women with breast cancer are at an increased risk of developing endometrial cancer. Genetic constellations and shared risk factors may increase the chances of developing this disease. Survivors of breast cancer are more likely to have the disease than people without this genetic predisposition. Depending on the stage of the disease, there are a variety of treatments for this condition. For the most part, endometrial cancer is easy to treat in its early stages.