The most common endometrial cancer symptoms include pain in the lower abdomen and back, as well as a lack of menstrual flow and heavy vaginal bleeding. While these symptoms may also be caused by perimenopause, they should be brought to the attention of your doctor. Although these symptoms are similar to other health conditions, they can be a sign of endometrial cancer. Fortunately, there are several treatments available.
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The treatment for this disease varies depending on the stage of the cancer. Often, the cancer will spread to distant organs and tissues. Early detection of the disease is critical for treatment options. Most women can be treated successfully if the cancer is detected early. However, if there are no symptoms, the treatment is not always possible. You should contact your physician as soon as you notice any of these symptoms. A gynecologist will perform diagnostic tests and discuss all available options with you.
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The most common symptom of endometrial cancer is abnormal vaginal bleeding. This type of bleeding can range from watery to blood-streaked and can be as large as a tablespoon of blood. During menopause, this type of bleeding will stop. If this doesn't stop, you should see your doctor. A doctor will ask about your symptoms and determine if you should undergo further testing.
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The first symptom of endometrial cancer is abnormal vaginal bleeding. During menopause, women can experience spotting or heavy bleeds. The bleeding will vary from a few ounces to several ounces. If you have experienced abnormal bleeding before menopause, you should talk with your doctor immediately. A doctor can perform a thorough examination and help you determine if there is a problem.
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Fortunately, there are many ways to detect and treat endometrial cancer. The most common symptom is abnormal vaginal bleeding. Depending on the stage of the cancer, it may be watery or blood-streaked. It may be accompanied by pain, or it can occur after menopause. If you notice these symptoms, talk with your doctor. She will ask about your symptoms and will determine whether your bleeding is due to endometrial cancer.
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Some women have endometrial cancer symptoms like abnormal bleeding. These include vaginal pain, pelvic pain, and pain during urination. In older women, menopause is a common trigger for endometrial cancer. It is important to seek medical attention as early as possible to avoid complications. While endometrial cancer can be diagnosed with various symptoms, it is best to consult a qualified health care professional if any of these symptoms are present.
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A discharge that is bloodless or has a pink color can be an indication of endometrial cancer. The discharge may be bloody or non-bloody. If the bleeding is heavy, it is best to go to the emergency room. The cancer is a serious condition, and there are several treatments available. Your doctor will assess the extent of your symptoms and give you the best treatment options. You can undergo a biopsy to check the cancer.
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When a biopsy is necessary to confirm a diagnosis of endometrial cancer, a small sample of tissue from the inner lining of the uterus is taken. This procedure does not require general anaesthesia and can be performed in your gynecologist's office. The tissue will be sent to a laboratory for further testing. A biopsy is an important way to confirm a diagnosis.
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There are many different symptoms of endometrial cancer. Most women experience pain in the abdomen and pelvic area. Those with abnormal vaginal bleeding are more likely to have this type of cancer. A physician can check for signs of endometrial cancer, but the best way to ensure that you are not experiencing any of these symptoms is to get a regular checkup by a gynecologist.
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Endometrial cancer is usually caused by changes in the level of progesterone and estrogen in the body. The hormones cause endometrial cells to grow and multiply, causing them to become cancerous. Once these cells have genetic changes, they can begin spreading throughout the body. While there are a variety of signs and symptoms of endometrial cellular cancer, they are not always serious.