The most common symptom of endometrial cancer is abnormal vaginal bleeding, particularly after menopause. This is because the disease is more likely to affect women who have reached post-menopause. Even a single episode of vaginal bleeding, especially streaks of blood, should be checked out by a gynecologist. A biopsy will determine the cause of bleeding. In some cases, the disease is difficult to detect.
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The early stages of endometrial cancer don't show any specific symptoms. However, 30% of cases are diagnosed when the disease has advanced to the point of having symptoms. These symptoms are usually rectal pain, persistent pelvic cramping, unintended weight loss, or a perceptible mass. While endometrial cancer can affect many parts of the body, it typically only affects the bladder, vagina, ovaries, and rectum. Some women also experience loss of appetite and fatigue.
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A blood test is the only way to diagnose endometrial cancer. In most cases, abnormal vaginal bleeding is nonspecific, but it can be blood-streaked or contain more blood. Symptoms of endometrial cancer can develop during or after menopause. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is vital to see a doctor as soon as possible. She will ask you about the symptoms you're experiencing.
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If you think you're experiencing any of the symptoms above, see a doctor immediately. A biopsy will allow your doctors to determine the exact cause of your endometrial cancer. Once they have confirmed the cause, they'll decide on a course of treatment. If you have been suffering from these symptoms for a while, treatment for endometrial cancer is more effective. But it's important to note that a diagnosis of endometrial cancer is not a definitive diagnosis.
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The most common symptom of endometrial cancer is abnormal vaginal bleeding. It may be watery or blood-streaked and contain more blood. The symptoms can be more severe and may be more threatening if they are ongoing. If you notice any of these symptoms, visit your doctor immediately. He or she will perform an internal pelvic exam to look for any lumps or changes in the shape of the uterus.
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The most common symptoms of endometrial cancer include pelvic pain, particularly during sexual intercourse. Other symptoms can include pain while urinating or while emptying the bladder. Some of these symptoms can be attributed to non-cancerous conditions. Fortunately, these symptoms are very similar to those of fibroids. They should be diagnosed immediately if you notice any of these symptoms. The sooner you get diagnosed, the better.
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The first symptom of endometrial cancer is pelvic pain. This ailment usually affects the vagina, but it can also affect the bladder and ovaries. The disease is not life-threatening in the early stages, but it may be painful and may even lead to serious complications if not treated. During the early stages, the symptoms of endometrial cancer are generally non-specific. It is important to visit a specialist to confirm whether you have any of these symptoms.
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A blood test is the most common symptom of endometrial cancer. This is often linked to the family history of cancer. A doctor may also recommend tests like a pap smear. During a Pap smear, a doctor will check for signs of endometrial cancer, as well as a biopsy to determine the type of the tumor. Depending on the type of the cancer, a woman might be diagnosed with a mild case of endometrial cancer. If there is a symptom, she should visit a doctor.
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The first symptom of endometrial cancer is irregular vaginal bleeding. This is common among women who have already experienced a hysterectomy, but some other symptoms may occur as well. If the bleeding is abnormal, a doctor may suggest treatment with hormone replacement therapy. While some of these symptoms of endometrial cancer are normal, some women experience additional complications. Some women experience headaches and cold hands. In addition to these, the disease can affect their reproductive health.
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There are several symptoms of endometrial cancer. Some women experience pain during urination and vaginal discharge. While these are the most common symptoms, some women also experience changes in their bowel habits or abdominal pain. A persistent cough, chest pain, and deep vein thrombosis are also signs of endometrial cancer. These are all potential signs of the disease. It is important to get a diagnosis as soon as possible.