There are various Endometrial Cancer Symptoms you should be aware of. This condition is not curable but can be treated. The five-year survival rate for this disease is 81.2% and is higher in women diagnosed in the early stages. For a better chance of survival, you should exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet. You should also avoid smoking and other risk factors. These tips will help you identify the symptoms of this disease and seek medical attention if necessary.
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The most common symptom of endometrial cancer is vaginal bleeding. It is the most common uterine cancer and is highly curable when caught in early stages. Symptoms may include pelvic pain, rectal pain, loss of appetite, and abnormal vaginal bleeding. However, women should be especially cautious with endometrial cancer during menopause as vaginal bleeding is the first symptom that you should look for.
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Other symptoms of endometrial cancer include abnormal vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse. In women who have not gone through menopause, the bleeding is referred to as intermenstrual bleeding. Besides the pain, you may experience abdominal pain and difficulty emptying your bladder. These symptoms are not always specific to the disease but should prompt you to visit a female doctor. And don't forget, the most common symptom of endometrial cancer is loss of appetite.
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The first symptom of endometrial cancer is abdominal pain, but if you experience abdominal pain, it may be a sign of an advanced disease. Your doctor may recommend additional tests to see if the cancer has spread. Your doctor might also perform certain procedures during surgery to see if the tumor has spread. These tests are known as staging. Once you have been diagnosed, your doctors will be able to decide how far the disease has spread.
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The most common Endometrial cancer symptom is abnormal vaginal bleeding. The bleeding may range from watery to bloody and may be painful. This type of pain often occurs during menopause. Moreover, it may be associated with other symptoms, including irregular menstrual periods. You should see your doctor as soon as you detect any unusual symptom. Your doctor will ask you to explain your symptoms and get a full physical exam.
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The most common Endometrial Cancer Symptoms are: a heavy or frequent period. You have pain during or after sex. You have pain in your pelvic area. Your doctor may prescribe hormone therapy to treat your pain. If you have any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately. Your physician may suggest a blood test for endometrial cancer. The results will be helpful for both you and your partner.
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Other Endometrial Cancer Symptoms are: a persistent pain in the pelvic area. This is common and can be associated with the presence of a secondary tumour. In addition, you may experience pain while urinating or while emptying the bladder. Some of these symptoms may be mistaken for other diseases. If you feel a mass in the pelvic area, see a doctor. Some women have no symptoms at all, but they may have the cancer.
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Other Endometrial Cancer Symptoms are a pain in the vagina and pelvic area after sex. These symptoms can be due to the cancer spreading to other areas of the body. For some women, these symptoms may also be due to endometrial cancer. You can consult a doctor if you have any of these symptoms. It is important to note that many of these signs and symptoms may be related to other conditions.
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The most common Endometrial Cancer Symptoms are abnormal vaginal bleeding, which ranges in color from watery to blood-streaked. In addition, it may be accompanied by pain in the abdomen or abdominal region. If these symptoms are not accompanied by other signs or symptoms, then your doctor will want to examine you. In addition, she will want to make sure you are comfortable with the treatment and that you are not experiencing any side effects.
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After a diagnosis of endometrial cancer, you will have to undergo several tests. Usually, you will be checked every three to six months, as this is the best time to find out if you have this disease. You will also need to have imaging studies done to confirm the diagnosis. If the cancer spreads, it will spread to the intestine. If this is the case, you should seek medical attention immediately.