The treatment for ependymoma in children will depend on the location of the tumor and whether it recurs. Surgery may be the first option, and radiation therapy can be used to treat the entire brain or spinal cord. However, the treatment will depend on the recurrence rate and where the tumor is located. During the examination, your doctor may also check your child's strength and balance.
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In most cases, ependymomas in children will grow near the base of the brain. This type of tumor is more common in people over the age of 12 years. During a physical exam, doctors will look at the child's physical condition and neurologically examine her or his development. A lumbar puncture is used to check for any signs of cancer cells in the cerebro-spinal fluid.
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The symptoms of ependymoma in children vary, depending on the location of the tumor. Headaches, vomiting, and listlessness are some of the most common signs of ependymomoma. If it occurs in the spine, ependymoma can cause back pain, difficulty controlling urination, and problems with the spinal cord.
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The treatment for ependymoma in childhood may be difficult to identify because of the long-term effects of the treatment. While the symptoms may not be immediately apparent, it can take weeks to develop, making it crucial for your child to keep a health record. If the symptoms persist after a treatment, you should consult with a medical professional to determine whether ependymoma is present.
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The treatment for ependymoma in children may involve extensive surgery. There are some long-term side effects, which can include learning and growth delays. After treatment, the tumour may recur in the same location. Regular checkups are necessary to monitor the condition. There are many other symptoms that are related to ependymoma. You may need to undergo chemotherapy, or even radiation.
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Early detection of ependymoma is important for your child's health. It is very important to identify the signs of ependymomoma in childhood. It can be difficult to diagnose, but a child will show signs of the condition. In most cases, a symptom of ependymomia is a symptom of another condition.
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Symptoms of ependymoma in children vary. Typically, children with ependymoma will experience nausea, confusion, and listlessness. A child may also experience back pain, difficulty controlling bowels and urination, and problems with the spinal cord. The treatment for ependymoma is aggressive and can cause life-threatening complications.
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The most common symptom of ependymoma in children is increased pressure inside the skull. This can result in headaches, vomiting, and listlessness. In infants, ependymomas can lead to a delayed mental development. If ependymoma affects the spinal cord, children may have trouble concentrating or learning.
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The treatment for ependymoma in children usually involves surgery. The surgeon will remove as much of the tumor as possible. Sometimes, a child's symptoms may include seizures and frequent headaches. If the tumor is in the brain, surgery is almost always the first option. Other treatments may be based on the location of the tumor. Your pediatrician can also order imaging tests that will show whether the tumor is in the spinal cord.
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When ependymoma is found in the brain, you can expect your child to have various signs of ependymoma in children. The signs of ependymomas can range from a rash to fever. You will need to seek medical attention if you suspect your child has ependymoma. The symptoms of ependymomoma in childhood can be frightening.
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The symptoms of ependymoma in children vary from person to person, so you should always consult a pediatrician to determine the exact cause. There are several tests that doctors may run to diagnose ependymoma, including blood tests and MRIs. Some of them are specific to the type of ependymomoma in childhood.
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The most important step in diagnosing ependymoma in children is a biopsy of the tumor. A biopsy is necessary to determine the type and extent of the disease. If it is suspected of being ependymoma, your pediatrician will perform a MRI. The MRI will help the doctor determine where the tumor is and whether it has spread to other areas of the body.