A child with ependymoma is more likely to be diagnosed as an adult. While it is possible for the child to live into adulthood with this disease, he or she is at risk of developing it again. Fortunately, there are several treatments available for ependymoma in childhood. Read below to learn about treatment options. After a diagnosis, the child should undergo a course of treatment to cure the tumor.
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Early detection is important for successful treatment. The initial symptoms of ependymoma may be the same as those of other types of cancer, such as leukemia. Although a family history of this condition can increase a child's risk of developing the condition, it is not a guaranteed indicator that a child will develop it. For example, a young infant with a swelling of the head and fontanelle can be diagnosed as a symptom of ependymomoma. A lumbar puncture is an examination of the spine to check for the presence of cancer cells in the cerebrospinal fluid.
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Most ependymomas develop in the brain, in the posterior fossa. This area contains the cerebellum and brain stem, which control vital functions of the body. An ependymoma in the spinal cord can lead to developmental problems and a lack of coordination. Children with ependymoma may experience problems walking, balance, and mood changes.
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A lumbar puncture is another test to diagnose ependymoma in childhood. This procedure involves taking a sample of cerebrospinal fluid. The lumbar puncture is also known as a spinal tap and is used to detect the presence of cancer cells in the cerebrospinal fluid. The symptoms of ependymoma are similar to those of other types of cancers.
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Symptoms of ependymoma in childhood include nausea, vomiting, and back pain. A doctor will perform an MRI to diagnose ependymoma. MRI scans are necessary to determine the location of the tumour. In some cases, a biopsy is needed. Despite these symptoms, a biopsy is necessary to confirm the diagnosis.
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The most common symptoms of ependymoma in childhood include headaches, visual disturbances, seizures, and irritability. A doctor will also perform a lumbar puncture to detect tumour cells in cerebrospinal fluid. This test is done to ensure that the cancer is growing. If the tumour is growing, it will not have spread. Patients with ependymoma have to undergo surgery to remove it.
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Despite the risks of ependymoma, not all children who are affected by the condition develop it. In some cases, the signs of ependymomia in childhood may be a symptom of a different medical condition. As a parent, you should always seek a doctor's diagnosis to rule out other causes of symptoms.
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A diagnosis of ependymoma in childhood is often difficult because of the lack of definitive tests. However, with the help of a lumbar puncture, doctors can determine if there are any tumour cells in cerebrospinal fluid. A lumbar puncture can be done before surgery to confirm the diagnosis. While a lumbar puncture can detect a tumour in the brain, it can only be a sign of a different type of ependymomoma.
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Children with ependymoma in the spinal cord may have back pain, difficulty with bowel movements, and other neurological problems. Depending on the location of the tumour, the child will likely have a number of complications, but it is not uncommon for the child to have a few minor symptoms. When the cancer is in the spinal cord, it can affect the nerves and affect the brain.
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A physical exam and neurological exam are the first signs of ependymoma in children. Most cases of ependymomoma in children occur near the base of the brain and the spinal cord. The patient's primary healthcare provider may refer the child to a neurologist who specializes in diseases of the central nervous system and neurosurgeon.'
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While the most common location for ependymoma is the posterior fossa, the tumors can also occur in other parts of the spinal cord. Depending on where the cancer is located, ependymoma in childhood can have different symptoms. It can cause anemia, a gastrointestinal disorder, or even a pulmonary problem.