Early detection is key to early treatment of ependymoma. The symptoms of ependymomoma in childhood are generally non-specific. In children, these include pain in the neck or back, loss of balance, difficulty walking, and seizures. Pediatricians perform a range of tests to diagnose ependymoma, which is an uncommon form of cancer in children. A physical examination will check for any signs of disease and a health history of previous illnesses will be taken to confirm a diagnosis.
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The symptoms of ependymoma in childhood may vary, but usually include confusion, headaches, listlessness, and back pain. These symptoms may be caused by the tumor itself, or it may be the result of the underlying tumor. In addition to the symptoms, children with ependymomas should be evaluated by a physician immediately if any of these symptoms is present.
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The tumor may be surgically removed if possible. However, there are cases when the tumor is too large to be removed. In these cases, other treatment options are used. For example, craniotomy is a surgical procedure in which part of the skull is removed to remove the tumor. Another treatment for ependymoma in childhood is radiation. This treatment is often used after surgery.
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The symptoms of ependymoma in childhood can be challenging. Although these symptoms may be difficult to spot, they are important indicators of a diagnosis. The disease can be treated with radiation. If it has spread to the spine or brain, a patient may require a surgery to remove as much of the tumor as possible. If this treatment option is unsuccessful, chemotherapy or other treatments will be necessary.
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The main treatment for ependymoma in childhood includes surgery. Sometimes, radiotherapy is also necessary. The type of radiation will depend on the location of the tumour. In some cases, however, radiation therapy is not effective in children. If an MRI shows an ependymoma, it is possible to diagnose it with surgery. If it is in the brain, a biopsy will be necessary to confirm the diagnosis.
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Children with ependymoma may have other signs of the disease. Their symptoms may include nausea, confusion, irritability, and pain in the back. While the cause of ependymoma is still unknown, ependymoma usually occurs in adults. As a result, it is important to diagnose ependymoma in childhood at the earliest stage.
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Epidemiology studies show that ependymoma in childhood has a high incidence among children with a diagnosis of ependymoma. In some cases, the disease can be treated with radiation or chemotherapy. The primary treatment for ependymoma is surgery. In most cases, the tumor will be surgically removed.
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Children with ependymoma are prone to having central nervous system tumours. Moreover, they are at a higher risk for developing neurofibromatosis type 2, which increases the risk of ependymoma in childhood. Unfortunately, ependymoma is a rare disease in children and there is no way to prevent it. There are no recommended screening tests for it. The symptoms of ependymomoma in children include vomiting, nausea, and balance problems.
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If your child is exhibiting any of the above symptoms, you should see a pediatrician as soon as possible. Your doctor will most likely perform a biopsy to determine whether or not ependymoma is present. The primary treatment for ependymoma in childhood is surgery. If your tumor is in the lung, it may be removed through surgery.
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The most common symptoms of ependymoma in childhood are a high fever, headaches, and decreased appetite. While these symptoms may seem similar to other conditions, they could indicate a malignant tumor. If you have any of these symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. The disease is not life-threatening, but it can be very frustrating for the child. A child's first priority should be to be healthy.
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In addition to the signs of ependymoma in children, there may also be a range of signs and symptoms related to the condition. These symptoms are indicative of an ependymoma, though they may be a result of other conditions. If you suspect the symptoms, you should visit your pediatrician as soon as possible. They will likely perform a complete exam.