The first step in determining the presence of ependymoma in your child is to schedule an appointment with a pediatric neurosurgeon. The goal of this procedure is to remove the tumour without damaging surrounding healthy tissue. If the tumor has spread beyond the spine, it may be treated with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The treatment for ependymoma will depend on the location and the likelihood of recurrence.
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The symptoms of ependymoma in childhood can vary. The symptoms can range from headaches to vomiting and listlessness. Children who survive this condition may have difficulty concentrating and may not meet developmental milestones. The brain and spinal cord are both affected by ependymomas. In addition, your child may have trouble controlling bowels and urination.
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If your child has ependymoma in childhood, it is important to seek treatment as early as possible. The chances of successful treatment vary depending on the type of ependymoma, its location, and the prognosis. If the tumor is completely removed, the prognosis is excellent. However, if it is not removed, it is likely to return. The best way to detect a recurrence of ependymomoma is through follow-up MRI scans.
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A biopsy will often be necessary to confirm ependymoma in childhood. In many cases, the tumour will be removed through surgery. A biopsy will be required to confirm the diagnosis. An MRI scan is performed to confirm the diagnosis and to determine where it is located. In some cases, a lumbar puncture is used to check for tumour cells in cerebro-spinal fluid.
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The most common childhood site for ependymoma is the posterior fossa. The tumor is classified into three types: subependymomas and adenomas. While ependymomas in the posterior fossa usually are located in the spinal column, they can also occur in the anterior or in the middle of the spine.
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Although ependymomas are rare in childhood, they can cause headaches, visual disturbances, and seizures. An MRI scan of the brain and lumbar puncture of the cerebro-spinal fluid will help determine the location of the tumour. In some cases, a child's symptoms may include a slow heartbeat, unexplained fever, or difficulty walking.
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When the tumor has spread to the spinal cord, it may affect the central nervous system. The symptom of ependymoma in childhood is pain in the neck and back. The child may also have trouble walking and balancing. MRI scans and lumbar puncture can help diagnose the condition. The doctors will also perform a physical exam. The child's health history is vital to help determine if the tumour has spread to other parts of the brain.
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The symptoms of ependymoma in childhood include headaches, vomiting, and seizures. During the early stages of the disease, children may not meet developmental milestones or have problems with concentration. A biopsy will help determine the exact location of the tumour. The surgeon may also perform a lumbar puncture to detect the tumour cells. It's important to understand what these symptoms mean for your child, as a result of an ependymoma diagnosis in childhood can be dangerous.
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Symptoms of ependymoma in childhood may vary from case to case. The main symptom of the disease is pain in the neck and back. In addition, the child may have trouble walking and may experience a loss of balance. If the tumour has spread to the spinal cord, MRI scans may reveal a recurrence. A follow-up MRI will also help determine whether the tumor is returning.
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The most common symptom of ependymoma in childhood is pain in the neck. It is typically the cause of a severe headache. During this stage, the child will be irritable or experience trouble sleeping. They may also have irregular head growth. If left untreated, the condition could lead to a recurrence of the tumor. Sometimes, a patient may experience multiple symptoms.
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There are two main types of ependymoma in children. Anaplastic ependymoma is more common than myxopapillary ependymoma. Both forms have similar symptoms, but the myxopapillary type is less aggressive than the anaplastic form. It is important to remember that the ependymoma cancer in your child may have different signs and symptoms.