Symptoms of ependymoma are similar in all cases. These cancerous growths are most common in young children. They occur in the cerebellum, but they can also spread to the spinal cord and surrounding fluid. This is why the symptoms of ependymomcysts can be so varied. For this reason, it's best to seek medical advice as soon as you notice any of these symptoms.
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When a child develops an ependymoma, it typically occurs in the brain's posterior fossa, which is the location of the cerebellum and the brain stem. These parts of the brain are essential for controlling important body functions. However, some ependymomas may develop in other areas, such as the spinal cord. Symptoms of ependymoma in childhood include headaches, listlessness, developmental delays, and problems with coordination and balance.
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In childhood, ependymoma symptoms can begin in early infancy and increase in size. If a child is diagnosed with this tumor, they will need to undergo surgery to remove it. This will remove the tumour, which in some cases can cause serious complications. A doctor will remove as much of the tumor as possible and carefully monitor the child's condition to make sure the tumor is gone.
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Surgical treatment is an option for a child with an ependymoma. It may be a surgical procedure. In some cases, the tumor can be removed entirely through surgery, if it's small enough. In this case, it may be possible to remove the entire tumor through surgery. For a full diagnosis, a pediatrician should consult with a family doctor and discuss the options available.
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Most cases of ependymoma are benign and don't require surgery. If you think you have a tumor, you should see a doctor immediately. Your doctor will check for signs of ependymomoma in childhood and prescribe the appropriate treatment. There are many types of ependymoms. You can get an MRI scan of the brain to check for any abnormalities.
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Symptoms of ependymoma in children vary from case to case. The most common symptoms include pain and swelling. You should also seek medical attention immediately if you think you have an ependymoma. Although treatment is possible, it is not guaranteed. Some side effects can include emotional and learning disabilities. In addition, treatment will depend on the type of ependymomoma.
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A doctor will perform a neurologic exam to rule out other underlying conditions. If a tumor is located in the cerebrospinal fluid, it will cause the child to suffer from vision and hearing problems. A lumbar puncture will detect tumour cells in the cerebro-spinal fluid. The child will need regular visits to a clinic to have the best chance of survival.
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Children with ependymoma in the spinal cord may experience back pain, bowel irregularities, and other symptoms. They may have difficulty controlling their bowel movements and may have a slow gait. Depending on the location of the tumor, treatment may involve surgery. Depending on the location of the tumor and the extent of the swelling, a child with ependyma in childhood may have problems with the spinal cord and nerves.
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Epilepsy is the only definitive way to diagnose ependymoma in childhood. Its symptoms are often delayed development and emotional. The ependymoma can also affect the child's cognitive abilities, including balance, coordination, and walking. The cancerous tumor may also be present in the spinal cord, but MRI scans and ultrasounds are needed to confirm the diagnosis.
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Symptoms of ependymoma in childhood. The cancer can develop in children of any age. The age at which a child is diagnosed may affect the type of treatment. The primary treatment for ependymoma is surgery. The surgeon will remove as much of the tumour as possible. This surgery can be scary for some infants. Some forms of radiotherapy are used to destroy the cancer cells.
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The most common symptoms of ependymoma in childhood are headaches and unsteadiness. Symptoms may vary from one child to another. The location of the tumour can also influence the type of treatment. Usually, a child with an ependyma will show varying physical and emotional signs. A symptom in the spinal cord can be as simple as a bump on the spinal cord.