Children may experience a number of Ependymoma in Childhood symptoms. These signs can help to describe the condition, though not every symptom is caused by the disease. Depending on the type of tumor, these symptoms may be caused by other conditions. Here are some of the most common ones and their associated prognosis. If you or your child has any of these symptoms, you should contact your pediatrician for an accurate diagnosis.
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The first symptom of ependymoma is headache, which is usually due to increased pressure within the skull. Other symptoms may include listlessness, nausea, vomiting, and irritability. If an Ependymoma is located in the spinal cord, the child may also have difficulty controlling bowel and urination, and have difficulties with balance and coordination. If not detected early enough, the tumor can lead to further developmental problems, including apnea, in addition to brain damage and deterioration of brain structure.
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Children with a family history of ependymoma may have an increased risk of developing a brain tumor. However, not every child with these syndromes will develop a brain tumor. Infants and young children who experience these symptoms may have swollen fontanelles or a growing head circumference. In addition to these symptoms, pediatric neurosurgeons may also perform a lumbar puncture to check for cancer cells in cerebrospinal fluid, which is the fluid surrounding the brain.
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If your child is suffering from any of the above symptoms, you should contact your pediatrician right away. There are many signs of this tumor in children. They may resemble symptoms of other medical conditions or ailments. If you suspect your child has a childhood ependymoma, see a specialist as soon as possible. There are no screening tests for this disorder and no effective prevention. If the child has any of these symptoms, you should schedule a consultation with a pediatrician.
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Although genetics are one of the causes of Ependymoma, it is not present in every child. In some cases, the symptoms may occur at an early age. In other cases, the disease may develop years after the initial diagnosis. It is recommended that your child undergo regular checkups to monitor the condition. Even if you suspect a case of the disease, you should seek treatment as soon as possible.
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As a child grows, symptoms of an ependymoma may progress. It can lead to a variety of complications, including a stiff neck, poor concentration, and a host of other conditions. If it is found in the brain, it may affect the development of the child. If the tumor is in the spinal cord, it can impair spinal development, leading to other symptoms.
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When a childhood ependymoma has spread to the spinal cord, it can cause a variety of symptoms. Most children with ependymoma will suffer headaches and listlessness. A child may also experience problems with bowels and urination. In the most severe cases, it may cause seizures. If it is located in the brain, it can even interfere with an infant's ability to walk and talk.
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In addition to headaches, young children with ependymoma may also experience visual disturbances, seizures, and hearing loss. An MRI scan and biopsy are essential in the diagnosis of this condition. MRI scans and a spinal tap are both required to diagnose an ependymoma in childhood. In some cases, the tumour has spread beyond the cranial nerve, so an MRI is not enough to diagnose the condition.
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In children, a doctor should perform a CT scan to confirm the diagnosis. An MRI scan will help the pediatrician determine if an Ependymoma is present. If a CT scan is negative, the child should be monitored with MRI for at least four weeks to ensure that the tumor has not spread. The child will need regular visits to the pediatrician's office for a few months.
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The symptoms of an ependymoma in childhood are often similar to those of adults with this condition. The most common type is grade II, while grade III is more rare in children. It can grow in a central portion of the brain or the spinal cord. The tumor is most commonly diagnosed in young children, but it can also occur in older children. If your child has these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention.