Epilepsy can cause various signs and symptoms, but the main symptom of the disease is pain in the back or neck. Children with ependymoma may also have trouble walking, or loss of balance. A physician will run tests to check the child's brain and spinal cord for the disease. They will also perform a physical exam to look for signs of the condition and a health history to determine whether the child has any other illnesses or if there are any family members affected by the condition.
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The cause of ependymoma in children is unknown, but the primary symptom is pain. The tumor is found in the ependymal lining of the ventricular system. Typically, it is found in the roof and floor of the fourth ventricle. However, it can also arise from the lateral recesses of the third and lateral ventricles.
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The symptoms of ependymoma vary depending on the stage the disease has reached. If the symptoms are persistent, it is important to visit a doctor. A doctor will likely run a series of tests to help diagnose ependymoma. They will also run tests to see if the tumor has spread. Some of these tests are described below.
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The diagnosis of ependymoma is based on the type and location of the tumor. For example, the best treatment for children with a low grade ependymoma would be surgery to remove it. Nevertheless, recurrence is possible and follow-up MRI scans will be necessary to detect a recurrence.
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The symptoms of ependymoma in children can include headaches, vision problems, seizures, or other symptoms. Among the most common ependymoma symptoms are hydrocephalus, double vision, and vomiting. Some children may also have unsteady walking or difficulty with their balance. When the tumor has spread to the brain, it may become more difficult to diagnose.
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Children with ependymomas may experience a variety of signs and symptoms, including headaches, vomiting, and listlessness. These symptoms may also be similar to other common ailments or conditions in children. The doctor should diagnose the underlying cause of the child's symptoms and monitor progress to prevent the growth of the tumour. It's important to know that these symptoms are not always related to ependymoma.
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An MRI is used to diagnose ependymoma in children. A CT scan of the brain can detect a tumour that has formed in the brain. Afterwards, a biopsy will be performed to confirm the diagnosis. A CT scan can also be used to determine whether there is a tumour in the brain. These symptoms and signs can be difficult to identify and can be a sign of a symptom of ependymoma.
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Among the most common symptoms of ependymoma are headaches and vomiting. Depending on the location of the tumor, ependymoma can affect the child's ability to focus or walk. Oftentimes, the symptoms of ependymomas in childhood are related to its location in the brain. A CT scan is needed to determine whether there is a tumor in the head.
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An MRI will determine the location and morphology of the ependymoma in the brain. The tumor may have a different shape from the normal brain tissue. MRIs are helpful in diagnosing ependymoma. They can also identify the location of the tumour. Moreover, a child's MRI will help the doctor determine if the condition is in the brain or in the spinal cord.
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The type of ependymoma in childhood is usually diagnosed based on the results of MRIs. A doctor may also recommend surgery to remove the tumor. The surgeon will remove the tumor as much of it as possible. This is crucial because the tumor is located close to sensitive brain tissue. This can cause severe disabilities. It is best to keep a medical record. During the initial stages of the disease, it is important to watch for any symptoms of ependymomoma.
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In children, the most common site for ependymoma is in the posterior fossa. There are two types of ependymoma in childhood: group A and group B. The tumors in group A are CpG island methylators (CpG-methylation) and have worse outcomes than the ones in group B.