The first thing a parent should look out for in their child is a growth in the skull. This growth is called an ependymoma and is usually accompanied by headaches, vomiting, and listlessness. Infants may not meet certain developmental milestones, and children may have difficulty concentrating. An ependymoma that has grown into the spinal cord can cause headaches, problems with bowels and urination, and difficulty walking.
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Another warning sign of ependymoma is a family history of the cancer. Children who have a family history of the disease have a higher risk of developing the disease. However, not all children with a family history of the disease develop a tumor in the brain. In young infants, swollen fontanelle and increasing head circumference are signs that should prompt a visit to the doctor. A lumbar puncture (literally, "lumbar puncture") will detect cancer cells in the cerebrospinal fluid.
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Some children are at increased risk of developing an ependymoma due to an inherited syndrome. But not all children with this syndrome develop an ependymomal tumour in the brain. In addition, young infants with a growing head circumference and swollen fontanelle should be evaluated by a pediatrician immediately. A lumbar puncture will also be performed to check for cancer cells in the cerebrospinal fluid.
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Epidemiology and early diagnosis of ependymoma are common in children with a family history of the disease. Some children have an increased risk of developing a tumor in their brain, but not every child who has this syndrome will develop an ependymoma in childhood. In addition, some young infants may have increasing head circumference and a swollen fontanelle. For these reasons, a lumbar puncture is recommended. The lumbar puncture can detect cancer cells in the cerebrospinal fluid.
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In some cases, a parent may be at heightened risk for ependymoma. It is important to note that some children with this syndrome do not develop an ependyma, although they are at high risk. As such, the symptoms of an ependymoma will vary. They may require surgery to remove the ependyma.
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The first signs of ependymoma in childhood are headaches, seizures, and visual disturbances. A lumbar puncture can be performed to determine the location of the tumour in the cerebrospinal fluid. In some cases, a biopsy is necessary to diagnose the disease. In some cases, it is possible to remove the entire tumor. When a child has an ependymoma, it can cause some damage to nearby tissue.
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A neurosurgical procedure is the only way to diagnose ependymoma. A lumbar puncture is performed to determine the exact location of the tumor. The tumour may be located in the lumbar canal or in the brain, which is a sensitive area of the brain. A surgeon may remove the tumour if the symptoms persist after the lumbar puncture.
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A diagnosis of ependymoma is based on the findings of tests. The disease is slow-growing and usually requires surgery to remove the tumour. If the cancer is in the brain, the doctor may use chemotherapy or radiation to treat the tumor. A successful outcome is very important for a child's health. While a lumbar puncture can lead to the eradication of ependymomoma, it can have serious side effects.
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A diagnosis of ependymoma in childhood can be difficult to make, but a specialist team can help parents make the best choice. A lumbar puncture will detect tumour cells in the cerebro-spinal fluid of the child. While this is a difficult procedure, it is necessary to be able to speak with the doctor and your child. The symptoms of ependyma in childhood may include nausea, vomiting, and headaches.
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The prognosis of ependymoma in childhood varies from one patient to another. The prognosis of ependonyma in children with this disease is usually excellent. If the tumor is in the brain, the prognosis will be based on the patient's age and overall health. The treatment of ependymomoma in childhood depends on the type and location of the ependymoma, but the prognosis of the child will be different.