The most common symptom of ependymoma in childhood is a sudden increase in intracranial pressure. These tumours form in the posterior fossa of the brain, which is located in the lower back of the head above the neck. Children who have ependymomas in this area will experience headaches and have an unsteady gait.
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The tumor in the brain is the most common site for ependymoma in childhood. They can occur at any age and are categorized as group A or group B. Patients with group A ependymoma have a lower overall survival rate and a poor prognosis. Those with group B ependymomas have a higher survival rate, with an estimated 10 year progression-free survival rate of over 60%.
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Treatment for ependymoma in childhood is individualized for each patient. Most children will undergo surgery to remove the tumour. Surgical procedures involve a surgeon removing as much of the tumor as possible. While this is a terrifying experience for most children, it is important to understand that the outcome of treatment may vary. A doctor may also prescribe radiotherapy to kill cancer cells and reduce the chances of the tumor coming back.
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Epidemiology tests will determine the type and extent of the ependymoma and its symptoms. The first step to diagnosis ependymoma is a physical exam. A MRI is also helpful. The child's height and weight will be assessed to determine the exact cause of the tumor. A scan of the brain and spinal cord will determine the cause of the pain and the extent of the ependyma.
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Because of the location of the ependymoma in the spinal cord, this cancer may be difficult to diagnose. However, doctors can help children cope with the symptoms. For example, children with ependymoma often have a traumatic experience during the birth of their tumor. While it may be a traumatic event, this is a normal part of growing up.
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When a child has a ependymoma in the brain, the pressure in the skull may increase and lead to symptoms such as headaches, vomiting, and listlessness. For infants, the condition may affect their ability to develop at the same rate as adults. During their childhood, their growth will be delayed, and they may not meet their developmental milestones.
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The most common site of ependymoma in children is the posterior fossa. The cancer in this location is classified into two types: group A and group B. The former is more likely to affect younger children, and group B is more likely to affect older children. The two groups differ in the type of tumor and the severity of symptoms. There are two types of ependymomoma in childhood.
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There are many symptoms of ependymoma in children, including headaches and listlessness. The condition may be present in both genders. The symptoms are often similar in both sexes. Some ependymomas can affect both sexes. While ependymomas are rare in children, they can pose a threat to their development.
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The first signs of ependymoma in children are headaches and vomiting. The child may also be listless and have difficulty concentrating. The symptoms of ependyma in childhood can be difficult to recognize at an early age. The child might have difficulty with balance and development. They may not meet developmental milestones. Sometimes, they will have slow growth and developmental delays.
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Symptoms of ependymoma in childhood include pain, fever, and loss of vision. The doctor will likely perform imaging tests to evaluate the size and location of the tumor in the brain. In addition to imaging the tumor, the doctor will order tests to look at the brain and spine. Some of the symptoms of ependymomoma in childhood are listed below:
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Children with ependymoma may experience signs and symptoms that might indicate the disease. The signs may be due to other medical conditions or to the tumor itself. Your pediatrician will discuss the signs and symptoms of ependymoma in childhood with you. You should not ignore these signs if they do not appear at the same time. There are many different causes for ependyma in childhood.