The first step in treating ependymoma is surgery. The surgeon tries to remove as much of the tumour as possible, but if the tumor is in the brain, it may be impossible to remove the entire mass. Then, the surgeon will send the specimen to a neuropathologist for a more accurate diagnosis. The pediatric neurosurgeon will then plan treatment based on the results of the neuropathology report.
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The diagnosis of ependymoma begins with a thorough examination. A child with a history of neurological conditions is at an increased risk. Children with neurofibromatosis type 2 are also at higher risk for developing central nervous system tumors. Although ependymoma can be fatal in children, there is no specific treatment. The symptoms include vomiting and nausea, as well as difficulty walking and balance. The condition may cause developmental delays and slow growth.
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If the tumour has spread to the brain, doctors may recommend radiation therapy. High-energy waves are used to destroy cancer cells that remain after surgery. Depending on where the tumor has spread, a child may need surgery to remove the cancer. A doctor may also recommend radiation therapy if the tumour has spread to the brain or spinal cord. The treatment will depend on the site of the tumour and whether the disease has recurred.
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Other symptoms of ependymoma include headaches, listlessness, confusion, and irritability. Children with ependymomas in the brain may be slow to develop. They may not reach their developmental milestones. If the tumor is in the spinal cord, the child may also experience back pain, difficulty controlling their bowels, or seizures.
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The diagnosis of ependymoma in children will be based on the results of the test. If the cancer is in the brain, the tumor must be removed. If it is located near sensitive brain tissue, the tumor must be removed surgically. It can also cause other symptoms. The doctor will need to check for other medical conditions in the child before recommending a course of treatment.
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Early symptoms of ependymoma in childhood include headaches, fever, vomiting, and listlessness. In babies and young children, ependymoma may be a sign of a more serious condition. For infants, this could lead to a delayed development. While the tumor is unlikely to cause death, it can affect the spinal cord and its function.
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In young infants, an ependymoma in childhood can cause an increase in head circumference and may cause swollen fontanelles. In some cases, it may also affect the brain, which can make the child difficult to walk or concentrate. However, children with an ependymomoma in childhood may have other symptoms as well.
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The diagnosis of ependymoma in childhood can be frightening and can lead to a variety of complications. The first step in ependymoma treatment is surgery, but the tumor may be in another location, or be distant. Depending on the location, the tumor can lead to seizures, frequent headaches, and other issues. If it has spread to the spinal cord, a doctor may also recommend a different treatment option.
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An ependymoma in childhood may cause symptoms such as headaches, irritability, and confusion. If left untreated, an ependymoma can also cause permanent damage to the brain. If an ependyma has spread to the brain, it can lead to permanent vision loss and seizures. If you notice any of these symptoms in your child, see your doctor immediately.
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In addition to the signs and symptoms of ependymoma in childhood, it is important to understand the types of treatment available. Some forms of ependymomia are more aggressive than others and will require surgery. The first step in treating a child with an ependyma in childhood is to find a pediatric neurosurgeon.
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Treatment for ependymoma in childhood varies from case to case. The main treatment for ependymomoma in children involves surgery to remove the tumor. The tumor will be examined under a microscope by a pathologist to determine its exact location and type. A lumbar puncture, also known as a spinal tap, is another test for ependymomuma. This procedure collects a sample of the cerebrospinal fluid and is performed to determine whether the cancer has spread.