Children and teens should see a doctor if they develop any symptoms that do not go away. A doctor can recommend certain medications and therapy to help control the symptoms. Various types of treatments may cause long-term side effects and may be dangerous if not taken seriously. In addition to cancer symptoms, some treatment options may lead to complications that can affect the child for months or even years. Some of these long-term effects are physical, such as problems with the heart or lungs or secondary cancers, and mental ones can include learning difficulties or memory loss. The doctor will monitor the child's condition closely and may prescribe additional tests.
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Pediatric patients must be evaluated for ependymoma symptoms. The condition typically results in headaches, vomiting, and listlessness. Often, a child with an ependyma will also have seizures. After a diagnosis is made, a brain surgeon will remove as much of the tumour as possible. Because the tumor is in close proximity to sensitive brain tissue, children may have difficulty urination and bowel movements.
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The primary treatment for ependymoma in children is surgery. Some children may also experience visual disturbances, seizures, or headaches. A biopsy of the affected area will help confirm a diagnosis. Before a child undergoes surgery, the doctor will perform an MRI scan of the brain to determine where the tumor is located. A lumbar puncture is used to detect tumour cells in the cerebro-spinal fluid.
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Children with ependymoma may have symptoms of weakness in the legs, numbness, and tingling in the arms. Most pediatric patients will undergo surgery as the primary treatment, though radiation therapy and chemotherapy may be recommended. Imaging tests are also performed to determine the size of the tumor. A doctor may use an MRI with specialized technology. As the tumour grows, the doctors will want to create pictures of both the spine and brain. They will also remove cerebrospinal fluid to test for abnormalities.
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In most cases, children with ependymoma will experience signs and symptoms. These signs can help the parent understand the nature of the problem. Sometimes, the symptoms are not associated with ependymomoma, but could be caused by other medical conditions. If your child is experiencing these symptoms, he should visit his or her doctor immediately. The disease is often aggressive and can cause the child to develop other health conditions, so they must be treated promptly.
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Early signs and symptoms of ependymoma in children are very common. They may cause nausea, vomiting, and seizures. A biopsy is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. It is important to note that ependymoma is often difficult to detect in the early stages. If it is found, the child will need to undergo treatment. The treatment plan will vary depending on the stage of the ependymoma.
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In some cases, a symptom of ependymoma in childhood can include headaches, vomiting, and listlessness. In addition, ependymoma can cause other symptoms. If the ependyma is in the brain, it can damage the brain and spinal cord. Fortunately, the symptoms of ependymomoma in childhood will vary.
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If your child develops ependymoma in childhood, he or she may have a few symptoms. For instance, your child may experience headaches, seizures, and visual disturbances. However, if you suspect ependymoma, it is essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible. While some signs of ependymoma are caused by other medical conditions, some are not related to ependyma.
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While the cause of ependymoma is unknown, children with neurofibromatosis type 2 have a higher risk for the condition. The disease is not treatable and there are no specific tests or prevention for ependymoma in childhood. In addition to the symptoms, your child may experience developmental delays, vomiting, and balance problems. The symptoms of ependymomoma in childhood can be difficult to identify.
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There are other symptoms of ependymoma in children that are different in every case. Some children may experience pain in the neck or back, as well as problems walking. Your child will have regular MRI scans to check for recurrence and other signs of this cancer. In addition to symptoms, your child may experience unsteady walking and an unsteady gait.