Children and adolescents may show several symptoms of ependymoma. Headaches, vomiting, listlessness, and seizures are common. Young children may have trouble concentrating. In rare cases, an ependymoma in the brain will interfere with a child's spinal cord function. Back pain and problems controlling bowels and urination are also common. If your child is affected by ependymoma, he or she should see a doctor as soon as possible.
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When a child develops an ependymoma, there may be no visible symptoms at first. The child may have a stiff neck and back. They may also exhibit signs of increased intracranial pressure. Because the ependymoma obstructs the normal pathway for cerebrospinal fluid, an increased pressure results. This causes the child to feel irritable and experience frequent headaches.
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If your child displays any of these symptoms, he or she may need surgery. A surgeon will try to remove as much of the tumor as possible. Sometimes, removal is not possible, depending on the location of the ependymoma. A neuropathologist will examine the specimen to make a diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is made, a pediatric neurosurgeon will design a treatment plan.
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Although ependymoma is rare, it can occur in children with certain genetic conditions. In particular, children with a genetic disorder called neurofibromatosis type 2 have a greater risk of developing ependymoma. It is important to understand the symptoms of this disease, as early detection can make it easier to determine whether or not the child has ependymoma and to find the best treatment for the child.
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The primary treatment for ependymoma involves surgery. The surgeon will try to remove as much of the tumor as possible. In some cases, the tumor can't be removed entirely, and in these cases, a patient will have to undergo radiation therapy. Afterward, the child will likely need physical therapy and cognitive therapies to recover. After the cancer is removed, a child may experience developmental delays and hormone irregularities.
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The most important symptom of ependymoma is a headache. However, a child may also experience visual disturbances, loss of sensation, or seizures. A child may have multiple symptoms. The doctor should perform MRIs to determine the exact location of the tumour. A lumbar puncture is performed to detect the presence of tumour cells in cerebro-spinal fluid.
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The main symptoms of ependymoma include nausea, irritability, and confusion. A child may also experience a stiff neck and back pain. In both cases, the patient must be treated. The child may also need regular follow-ups to ensure that the tumor is removed completely. It is possible for the tumor to recur up to 15 years after treatment.
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Some of the symptoms of ependyma in childhood include irritability, nausea, and irritability. Some children may also experience visual disturbances and seizures. MRIs will help determine whether an ependyma is present, but a biopsy is necessary to confirm a diagnosis. In some cases, a doctor may also perform a lumbar puncture to identify tumour cells in the cerebro-spinal fluid.
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Symptoms of ependymoma in childhood can include nausea, vomiting, and a stiff neck. It can also be accompanied by irritability, fever, and pain in the back and neck. It affects men and women equally and is most common in children under three years of age. Once diagnosed, your doctor may suggest treatment. If you notice any of these symptoms, visit your doctor immediately.
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As the symptoms of ependymoma in childhood can be similar to those of other medical conditions, your doctor should be able to diagnose the condition. You must be examined by a qualified professional to get the correct diagnosis. It is possible that you have an ependymoma. If your child has any of these symptoms, you should consult a physician.
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The symptoms of ependymoma in children include irritability, difficulty sleeping, and a slow growth of the head. You may also experience seizures or a rash. If you notice these signs, consult a doctor right away. If your child has a tumor in the spine, the doctor will remove it as well as any surrounding tissue. If the tumor is in the brain, the patient will require a biopsy.