Early detection is important in the treatment of Esthesioneuroblastoma. Although it is uncommon, it can cause problems with taste, smell, and nasal functions. If left untreated, the disease can grow to life-threatening proportions. As a result, the earliest diagnosis is vital. Here are some important Esthesioneuroblastoma symptoms and how to identify them.
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If the cancer has spread to the eyes, the patient may have difficulty breathing through the nose. This can be caused by the tumor blocking one or both nostrils, or it can be due to the spread of the disease to the sinuses. When this occurs, patients may think they have a sinus infection, but the problem can be much more serious. Likewise, if the tumor blocks one or both nostrils, it may also cause bleeding in the nose. A medical diagnosis of esthesioneuroblastoma should be made as soon as possible.
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Another symptom of esthesioneuroblastoma is a lack of sense of smell. This can be due to the tumor blocking the nasal passage, or it can be due to damage to olfactory nerves. Chronic congestion on one side of the nose is a symptom of esthesioneuroblastomatosis. Patients with this condition may not seek medical treatment until their symptoms become more severe. If the tumor is located in the sinuses, the doctor may refer them to a neurologist to confirm the diagnosis.
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People who have the disease can offer help. It is important to anticipate the things you may need help with. Meeting others with the disease can be very motivating. You can also find support groups through the American Cancer Society or the National Institute of Health. If you do have a family member or friend who is affected by esthesioneuroblastoma, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible.
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Some patients with esthesioneuroblastoma may have trouble breathing through their nose. A tumor may block one or both nostrils or spread to the sinuses. These symptoms may also be confused for a sinus infection. If you have any of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor right away. Usually, esthesioneuroblastoma is asymptomatic. In some cases, it may take a few weeks for a patient to notice that the tumor has spread to other parts of the body.
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The most common symptom of esthesioneuroblastoma is nasal obstruction. This is usually followed by nasal bleeding. Other symptoms include changes in the sense of smell and pain in the nose. Some patients may also have difficulty with vision. Those with this condition should see their doctor right away. It is important to be evaluated by a doctor for accurate diagnosis and treatment. If it has spread to other organs, the tumor may have metastasized.
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The first sign of esthesioneuroblastoma is an enlarged, irregularly shaped tumor in the nose. This tumor can affect the nose and the nasal passages. This is an early sign of the disease, but the tumor may be several years away. If it has spread to the paranas, it may cause other symptoms. It can also affect the production of antidiuretic hormones.
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One of the most common signs of esthesioneuroblastoma is frequent nosebleeds. This may occur in the early stages, but it may also happen at any time. The tumor may obstruct the nasal passages. In addition to bleeding, it can cause pressure on the eyes. If you experience this type of pain, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible.
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The main symptom of esthesioneuroblastoma is a loss of sense of smell. The tumor can obstruct the nasal passages or damage the olfactory nerves. The most common symptom of esthesioneuroblasta is chronic nasal congestion on one side of the face. It can be mild or severe, but should not be ignored.
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A biopsy is required to diagnose the disease. The doctor will remove a sample of tumor tissue for pathological analysis. The biopsy will show if the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes or other parts of the body. However, it may also extend beyond the nasal cavity and reach the lymph nodes and distant metastases. After surgery, patients are usually released home. It is important to note that many Esthesioneuroblastoma symptoms are subtle.