Before undergoing treatment for ethesioneuroblastoma, it's important to understand what to expect from the disease. The primary symptom is pain in the face and neck, and it is often accompanied by vision loss, ear and eye pain, and sometimes even nausea. A biopsy is usually necessary to make a diagnosis, but CT and MRI tests can also help diagnose the condition.
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Because of the way this type of tumor grows, treatment for esthesioneuroblastoma typically involves surgery. Depending on the location of the tumor, patients may also receive chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Surgical treatment is typically endoscopic, which involves passing a camera through the nose to see the tumor and its location. Surgeons can then use special surgical instruments to remove the cancer. In some cases, a craniotomy will be necessary to gain access to the tumor.
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During an endoscopic examination, a thin, flexible tube known as an endoscope is inserted into the nose. The camera attached to the endoscope allows doctors to view the inside of the nose, the sinus area, and the back of the nasal cavity. In some cases, a doctor may perform an imaging test to determine the exact size of the tumor and how it has spread throughout the body.
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A surgeon may use minimally invasive surgery to remove the tumor without affecting healthy tissue. This type of surgery is more effective in younger patients, as it allows doctors to carefully remove the tumor while preserving the surrounding healthy tissue. A recent study followed the outcomes of 281 patients with esthesioneuroblastoma. The survival rate for men was 61 percent and for women, it was 64 percent. Further, people who smoke may have an increased risk for the development of this type of cancer.
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If the tumor has spread, it may affect the lymph nodes in the neck and the parotid glands. Eventually, it may affect the brain and the spinal cord. In the event of the disease, treatment will focus on the symptoms of the disease and how to treat it. The tumors may be in the nasal cavity or in the sinuses. If the tumor has spread to other parts of the body, surgery will be necessary.
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A doctor may perform an endoscopic examination to diagnose the condition. This procedure involves inserting a thin, flexible tube, called an endoscope, into the nose. The camera on the endoscope allows doctors to view the back of the nose, sinuses, and esophagus. A pathologist can also take a CT scan to determine the extent of the tumor and determine its aggressiveness.
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The first step in treating the disease is to identify the tumor. The doctor will recommend a biopsy in order to make a definitive diagnosis. This procedure will remove a sample of the tumor tissue to be tested. After the diagnosis, a biopsy will allow a doctor to determine if the tumor is benign or if it has spread. If it has, a doctor will then suggest treatment for the patient.
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Esthesioneuroblastoma is often difficult to detect, as the symptoms can mimic an infection or benign inflammatory disease. However, the symptoms of this disease can be difficult to spot, and a doctor can diagnose the condition by examining the tumor tissue under a microscope. Once the tumor has been found, the patient will need to undergo radiation therapy. Moreover, patients may be referred to a hospital for additional tests.
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The diagnosis of a tumor will depend on several factors. It can be detected using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or positron emission tomography (PET). Depending on the location and size of the tumor, it may require a biopsy. An MRI or a PET scan is the most common test to diagnose the disease. In some cases, the patient may have a tumor in the sinus area.
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The symptoms of this disease may include nosebleeds, difficulty breathing through the nostrils, and a plethora of other symptoms. If you have any of these symptoms, you should seek treatment as soon as possible. In some cases, the symptoms of esthesioneuroblastoma may include the following: *A tumor in the ear is painful. The condition may be in a stage of progression. If the tumor is aggressive, it may require surgery.