If you have been diagnosed with ethesioneuroblastoma, there are several signs that may suggest the presence of this cancer. Generally, the tumor is slow-growing. Eighty-three percent of patients are diagnosed with a tumor that extends outside of the nose. Symptoms that indicate that the tumor has spread to other parts of the body include vision loss, eye and ear pain, and severe headaches. The diagnosis of this cancer requires a biopsy from a tumor sample by an otolaryngologist. Additionally, CT and MRI scans are used to determine the extent of the tumor.
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Esthesioneuroblastoma symptoms include nasal obstruction and nosebleeds. The tumor may also expand and spread to the sinuses. This can make it difficult for patients to breathe through the nose. The patient may think they have a sinus infection, but the pressure and pain could be a sign of a cancer. If the nasal obstruction is accompanied by bleeding, a doctor should be consulted immediately.
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In addition to pain in the nasal area, patients with esthesioneuroblastoma may have difficulty breathing through their nose. The tumor may block one or both nostrils. This can cause sinus pressure and pain. If the patient experiences blocked nostrils, it is important to seek medical care. The blocked nostrils may be accompanied by bleeding. In addition to blocking the nose, the blockage may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as a fever and headache.
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One of the most common symptoms of esthesioneuroblastoma is nasal obstruction. Sometimes, this may be accompanied by a cold, and nosebleeds are also common. Some patients may experience changes in their sense of smell, including nausea and loss of smell. If these symptoms persist, doctors may refer the patient to a neurologist for further tests and to confirm the diagnosis.
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People with esthesioneuroblastoma may experience difficulty breathing through the nose. Their noses may become blocked because of a tumor, which blocks their nasal passages. Symptoms of this condition can be worse than a sinus infection. Often, a person suffering from these symptoms may even develop a full-blown tumor in their nasal cavity. In such cases, a physician will refer the patient to a neurologist to confirm the diagnosis.
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Nasal obstruction is the most common symptom of esthesioneuroblastoma. It usually follows a nosebleed. Other symptoms include changes in the sense of smell, and headaches. These are just a few of the possible symptoms of esthesioneuroblastomo. You should visit your doctor if you experience any of these signs. In some cases, the condition may be misdiagnosed as another form of cancer, and your doctor may send you to a neurologist for further testing.
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If the tumor has spread, it may affect the eyesight. In most cases, this is associated with pain in the eye. Moreover, a patient may also experience pain in the nose, especially in one eye. If this is the case, the tumor may cause severe swelling of the cornea and cause it to become enlarged. Further, the patient may have vision problems. Once the condition has spread, the doctor will need to remove the tumor to prevent it from causing further damage to the surrounding tissue.
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Another symptom of esthesioneuroblastoma is loss of vision. The tumor can block the nasal passage, causing the patient to lose their sense of smell. This can also lead to a bulging eye if the tumor has spread to the sinuses. However, if the tumor has spread to the nose, you will need to see a neurologist immediately.
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If you've been diagnosed with esthesioneuroblastoma, your doctor will likely have done a biopsy to determine the exact type of tumor. This will help them diagnose the condition, as well as determine whether it's a benign tumor or a malignant one. During a biopsy, the tumor will be examined to determine its aggressiveness. If it has spread to the sinuses, treatment will be more aggressive.
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Symptoms of this cancer include vision loss, headaches, and loss of smell. Other symptoms include eye problems, earaches, and ear pain. The condition can also spread to the lungs, bones, and lymph nodes. Therefore, it's important to seek prompt treatment and prevent any additional complications from developing. This can be a life-threatening disease. If you've been diagnosed with the disease, it's important to seek treatment.